Mass deletions

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Mass deletions


Anonymous's picture
"Whoever 'Popbach' is I tip my hat." Man with a lot of time on his hands? You might as well delete them. The distinction, I suppose, is that this isn't 'rehemming the fabric of history' or whatever.
Ari T
Anonymous's picture
Man with a lot of time on his hands? Seems to me it only took 20 mins, both forums simultaneously.
Anonymous's picture
Alright, but 20 minutes of too much effort, to moderate the forums in a manner that is only made permissible by the fact that everyone can do it.
Anonymous's picture
*sigh* ya mean my lurrrv spent ALL of 20 minute (he claims) with me -- so where have you guys hidden my lurrv notes away? under your pillw i bet -- sweet wet dreams sweetieees -- it feels SO good to be loved so -- *blows kisssesssesss*
looked it up
Anonymous's picture
UNDER the last message above, which is your message, there is a small: Older Topic Ritawrites has been put to sit in there unless someone drags her out
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
The waters of the open society here at ABC are seemingly too deep for hen who advocates censorship and repression. The twat rita is a fool; she is not dangerous, libellous or unlawful. Maybe hen is better suited to the paddling pool of Amsterdam or the footbath of Ontario where such measures find favour.
Anonymous's picture
*rounds up all lifebelts and locks 'em up, pisses in the paddling pool and footbath*
Anonymous's picture
Maybe Gardiner is better suited to his living room, where he can endlessly gratify himself screaming at anyone who phones him up who isn't his mother. Bunch of hypocrites.
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
I'll show you, tyrant.
Anonymous's picture
Ah! I'm impressed. Seriously though, I don't advocate censorship. But I don't think deleting nonsense/trouble posts is censoring. It's been said - it can be said again. All you're doing is moving on. There are plenty of online communities that operate fine under moderation. *Yes*, some people will feel excluded for their views, but how is this kind of moderation different to Missi blasting anyone he doesn't like, or someone moving all the topics they don't want down the page? Direct moderation only affects the forums any differently in their capacity as archives.
Stephen Gardiner
Anonymous's picture
I wasn't very impressed. I am repeating myself so I will be brief. Unwarranted censorship of foolish/irritating/repetitive/sophistic comment achieves nothing but provacation and providing oxygen to those responsible. It the same way, haystack's blasts are provocative, but I have no problem with them in this environment, except possibly their giving oxygen to his targets. Was it Karl Marx who said, "Society can only measure its strength by its willingness to tolerate daft old fools with bad haircuts." Or was it O'Rourke?
Anonymous's picture
Just for the record, in case anyone here thought otherwise, I had nothing to do with ritatripes being 'sent down'. Jon you're talking bollocks again about censorship. Karl Marx was a ****. (IMO of course, his opinion of me is yet to be expressed)
Anonymous's picture
It was the 'C' word.
Anonymous's picture
"Unwarranted censorship of foolish/irritating/repetitive/sophistic comment achieves nothing but provacation and providing oxygen to those responsible." That doesn't seem to be the story told by other Internet communities. Usually, the stricter the moderation, the better behaved the participants. Rita has, after all, come here from UKA, of her own free will. Not because she was censored or booted out, but because she can get away with more here. Admittedly, and as Missi will insist, ABC is more lively than most, but the principle behind all this is flawed. ABC is lively not because it's more inclusive, but because people can behave more explosively/provocatively. It's lawless. But my main point is that it's foolish to believe that just because no one actually *deletes* posts, this forum isn't mediated or policed. It's just that the policemen are individuals with time and energy, or gangs, or trolls - and they exclude people/moderate behaviour by playground tactics. It's like a school being run by the thugs rather than the teachers.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
And yet, you still come here, despite UKA offering you all you want - a moderated forum, a supportive community, useful constructive criticism. I neither know nor care what Rita has been saying, I can see that multiple posts would be very tiresome. The anti-censorship streak in me would prefer that they weren't deleted but just ignored, but to be honest, having read Stephen's latest "I'm sorry, I'll never do it again" followed by immediate rambling posts doing it again, I no longer have any stomach for these forums. They are not annoying or irritating, they are just dull. Hen, really - there are truckloads of problems with abc, as there are with almost all websites, but I just don't see why you and the rest of the UKA tourists keep coming here to tell us so. If you don't like it, then there's an obvious solution, and one that I'm embracing. I said I'd give these forums till the end of the week, which I have done. Someone can email me when we start having actual conversations again.
Anonymous's picture
I can't get into the UKA forums from work! And I don't come here to tell you about the problems with ABC. But if people bring up - as they frequently do - the issue of moderation, and start going on about jackboots and the like, and I happen to be about and looking for something to talk about, they can expect a counter-argument. Anyway, the problems with ABC is not so much my gripe as the spurious claim that these forums are somehow more inclusive/free just because TC doesn't delete posts. There are sitll boundaries and rules - just different, messier ways of handling offenders.
Anonymous's picture
seeya then, andrew
Anonymous's picture
Just found this - it's all a bit of a daft argument though, isn't it, because I've only ever seen, I think, one thread (quite violent fighting thread between couple of people, going on and on and on) closed for comments at UKA during this year (don't know about before), and no posts deleted. Seems to be a non-issue. Rita has never been deleted or moved and her membership page is still there (I checked the other day) though she has taken out her work. I guess this site is an entertaining change for Rita - nobody seemed to take much offence over her prolific runs of threads on UKA; most people seemed to like them. When they didn't like a rant they tended to ignore. But she was exciting and fun as well as brilliant. I think the difference might be that there is only one place to comment on this site, on the abc writing, so it can get crowded very quickly?
Anonymous's picture
>> But my main point is that it's foolish to believe that just because no one actually *deletes* posts, this forum isn't mediated or policed. It's just that the policemen are individuals with time and energy, or gangs, or trolls - and they exclude people/moderate behaviour by playground tactics. It's like a school being run by the thugs rather than the teachers. << More shite from the sandbox. No one is excluded unless they exclude themselves. Even stephy who has had a polite request to desist has taken no fucking notice and continues to bore us all to death with impunity. As it happens Tony takes the view that he will only delete posts that are illegal or bring the site into disrepute. To my knowledge over the almost four years of the forum maybe 2 or 3 threads have been deleted. Andorra, demonstrates his lack of knowledge about deletions in the asylum, I know different. He's just another tourist anyway so I suppose his view is just as important as it is inaccurate. Jon only comes here, whatever he says, to excercise his right to the free speech that is absent in his adopted home. Yawn.
Anonymous's picture
Actually, I'm betting I can get away with way more on UKA. "No one is excluded unless they exclude themselves." Great. So it's our choice, except that you make amply clear that the consequences of not 'choosing' to exclude oneself if one is disliked. Constant verbal warfare and random abuse. It's like when people have a 'choice' of who to vote for, except that they receive threats if they vote for the wrong person. Some choice. Tony can run his site the way they likes but anyone who thinks they have more freedom of speech here than anywhere else is deluded.
Anonymous's picture
The delusion is all yours, and yes, it's choice, yours or mine. There are many, in fact the vast majority of users on the forums, that never incur any abuse from anyone. It seems to me that it's the outspoken that draw the most flak, and me more than most. That's ok, I know the way the site works, I can always 'exclude' myself if I can't keep my mouth shut. >> Actually, I'm betting I can get away with way more on UKA. << It occurs to me that if this is really the case, it may be for the very same reasons that you've spent most of your bile on this site explaining why 'I' seem to get away with more than you. The plain truth is you're far more popular in the asylum than I ever could be and perhaps I'm more popular here. People tend to either overlook or read with a wry smile the posts of those they like whilst scowling and resenting those of users they don't.
Anonymous's picture
That's true. It's also true, I think, that no one is actively 'excluded' here. They have, as you say, a choice of joining in or excluding themselves. But this is exactly the same on any moderated site. What I'm saying is - all forums end up being for a certain, limited range of people, because of the rules, written or unwritten. As inclusive as ABC *aims* to be, it's exactly the same case here. You argue that not having rules of acceptability set in stone makes these forums *more* inclusive and free than all moderated ones. But the range of people here, and the range of views expressed, ends up just as narrow as anywhere else. The only difference is the amount of abuse that is allowed.
Anonymous's picture
Well I am pleased for one, that people can come here and post such things... things that wouldnt be allowed on other sites... would be instantly removed.. single word insults, for example. It's nice to be able to let off steam. And plus, everyone can how much hypocrisy abounds in the world. If someone behaves like a twat, they do get moderated. It's just not by a single person who sets him (or indeed her) self up as God. More of a jury system, so to speak.
Anonymous's picture
You can prattle on about it as long as you like, the fact remains that ANYONE can come here and say what they like within the law. The asylum commandants delete anything they think is unacceptable regardless, and then at least one of them comes on a serious forum here and calls someone a twat. THAT would not be allowed in the asylum. I rest my case. YOU rest your crap argument.
Anonymous's picture
Hen. Why do you post the same comment endlessly?
Anonymous's picture
>Maybe hen is better suited to the paddling pool of Amsterdam or the footbath of Ontario where such measures find favour.< Unlike the inner city public lav of abc.
Anonymous's picture
Oh, fuck off, you spineless twat.
Anonymous's picture
Hey, calm yourself stormy old mate. Seems like you can't take what you dish out. Typical I suppose - another thing you've picked up from the master(bater). xx
Anonymous's picture
Oh no, I can take it (please don't call me 'old mate'). My point was, and still is, is that you can't take it. Even my tenage kids have grown out of the master bator joke. Your next dynamatic post?
Anonymous's picture
Aaaah -- this certainly needs deep research -- and deeper thought -- watch this space BABES! HYPOCRACY RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous's picture
Hey heniie -- WOWiee -- thnaks and all buddy -- I have absolutely no probs about being relegated/delegated/smellgated/tailgated -- as long as I feature so high in preoccupy-gated -- sweeetheaaarts I LURRRVV yall -- watch for my next brainwave --
Anonymous's picture
>-- watch for my next brainwave --< I'm still watching for your first braincell.... No, still can't find it.
Anonymous's picture
I doubt you have one between you.
Anonymous's picture
In that case can we borrow one of yours missisoppy? it's selfish keeping 2 to yourself.
Anonymous's picture
I'd happily oblige Jon-a-thon, but it would be wasted on the likes of you.
Anonymous's picture
Why do you keep calling me Jon-a-thon? my name is zippy - you know, George and Zippy... Now where's bungle? No best keep yer braincell soppy. I think it's well past it's best.
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Jon = crapper = receptacle for crap athon = continuous saga? You work it out. No, I'm not continuing with the stupidity, as I've said you're on your own. I just felt obliged to explain that which you couldn't fathom.
Anonymous's picture
Mississippi = ancient, filthy twisted and wet. (and the river is much the same). ...and you will continue as you cannot hold back all that anger that has built up during your sorry mistake ridden life. Sorry mate, it can't be undone - only regretted.
Anonymous's picture
How's the wife? Do you still both get pissed and stoned on Friday nights?
Anonymous's picture
told ya
Anonymous's picture
last word
Ari T
Anonymous's picture
Nothing's been deleted. You need to delve deeper, that's all.
Anonymous's picture
Aww, I thought the same thing lol.
Anonymous's picture
I see. Ok. What's happened then?
Anonymous's picture
Come on Jon, it doesn't take much to see that twattyrita flooded the forum with her shite again and someone has removed her 19 unanswered threads from the top page. Whoever 'Popbach' is I tip my hat.
Anonymous's picture
Bravo Pop Bach.
Topic locked