Lone Star State
Thu, 2005-06-09 04:34
Lone Star State
Well, here I am in Dallas. It's hot, sprawling, and in-your-face. I've just finished half a cow , otherwise known as the "Steak Special", and I'm off to bed, having been awake 23 hours.
First Texas Conversation:
Waitress: whereabouts are y'all from.
Me: London
Waitress: Ah thought so, but ah didn't lahk to say; ahm always gettin that London accent mixed up with England.
I reckon I'm gonna like it here.
You'll have lots of those kinds of conversations, Hox. That, and: "Ah jest LUUUUUUUVVVE yore aiksent!" and
"Are you frum OSS-TRAY-LIA?!". That's a classic.
Good luck.
Have some barbecue. Texans can't do much right, but they sure can barbecue.
On the way back from a theme park in one of those complimentary coaches we were the last two couples aboard and the driver asked us which hotel we wanted dropping at. We were staying at the wyndham on I-drive so we said "wydham." But pronouned "wynd'm" as you do. We got so confused because she had no idea where our hotel was and had never heard of our hotel. Just as were losing hope a man shouts "The WyndHAAAAMM"
"Oh, the WyndHAM"
After two quiet nights my hotel has been overrun for the weekend. The University of Texas are hosting a soccer tournament, and several teams are staying here. You can't move in the lobby or bar for teenage soccer players in full kit, and the once empty lifts are now a tight squeeze.
Still, musn't complain.
It's a predominantly female sport over here.
I'll just have to make the best of it.
Ho hum.
Be thankful Hox, Dallas is almost civilized.
RD is right. You -could- be in Lubbock.
"... when you're young and in lubbock"
Ian, that positively stinks!
Lubbock can't be that bad, it produced Buddy Holly and some of the best rock'n'roll of my lifetime.
Clearly you've never actually been to Lubbock, Missi.
Er, do yourself a favour... don't go.
Well as it happens, if I was in the vicinity, I WOULD go, if for no other reason than to visit Buddy's grave and know that even though I never saw him, it's as close as I'm ever gonna get.
More Dallas.
Advertising Sign on North Central Expressway: "Condoms to Go"
Conversation with man in shop:
Him; Ah went to London two years ago with ma wahf.
Me: Where did you stay?
Him; We spent a couple of nahts in Bradford on Avon.
Me; Yes, lovely part of the country.
Adjacent stickers on boot of plumbers van ( yes they drive white ford vans here too )
How am I driving? To comment Phone xxx-xxx-xxx
NRA: Say no to gun control.
Like I'm going to complain about a man whose truck probably contains more firepower than the Ark Royal.
Take heart Dear Hox. I am in Pattaya, Thailand, a resort area for which the phrase "singleness of purpose" was probably invented--or should have been. Kinda makes the 'condoms to go' sign a bit pale by comparison.
On Monday I fly to Phnom Penh, Cambodia for my second visit to post colonial southeast asia.
So if it's 'singleness of purpose' in Pattaya (prounouned, btw, PAT tie yaa, for those wondering...;-)), that must mean that you are there for a singleness of purpose, as well.
I hope it's not 10 year old boys or girls.
Hox! Hox! Hox! Hox!
Get on one of those highways and drive north for eight hours! Come and visit me! We can have the first ever Kansas ABCtales get-together where I'm not the only one who shows up!