Phoenix: Enzo

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Phoenix: Enzo

Glad to have you back! This is absolutely brilliant! 10/10


och, you write that better than I ever could. well done. span
Anonymous's picture
Many thanks for flagging this up Soraia. I'm not convinced it couldn't have done with more work, but due to a situation, I will be ithout a laptop after tomorrow, so no writing for a while. I wanted to get this on while I still could. Hopefully, they'll be another one tomorrow...and then, well, that's it! Span - nonsense, but thank you. Jasper - Your praise is...well....full-on....but graciously and gratefully received. Stephen King got me into reading and this was most definately written with him in mind...good spot, thanks!
I agree wholeheartedly with the others on this Enzo, it really is excellent...please hurry and get a new laptop, your short stories always make me smile and as I start back at Uni tomorrow my mood will need lifting on a regular basis!
Yeah, Enzo I loved this too, the writing was great as ever. But the ending didn't work for me, sorry, because it avoids asking any moral questions - it's almost like a parlour game puzzle you've put together. I'm not saying it's not great because it is but.... You know what does it mean that Phoenix has found god?


Loved it.
Anonymous's picture
Camus/Drew/Lou - Many thanks. Drew, I know what your saying but moralising in my writing has never really been my thing. To be honest, it's more like I don't care about the moral issues than I avoid them. The whole thing with God all the way through is just a little pointer to the fact he is dead, and also that he's crazy if he believes that after the life he's lived he would die and go to heaven. BTW - I haven't commented much on them, but please please keep the iTunes coming, I love them all. Good luck with Uni, Camus! Ben
Anonymous's picture
I'm halfway through another short story, and I hoped to get it on here today, but I didn't finish it last night. The part about the laptop is true. I won't have a laptop after today so no writing until I can sort something new out. C'est la vie. Ben
Ben, For a start you can write with a pen and paper. I didn't mean moralising as such. But rather that your story should be about something, in my opinion. My stories are silly, but I think, oh this one is about friendship, or death, or grief, disability and so on. Your characters fit together like a nice game of twister where all the limbs are neatly arranged, but it would be nice if the characters had kissed at the end, or something. I guess this is why I don't like most thillers, mystery novels. The endings are always pretty weightless and I feel like I've wasted my time. It's a pretty conservative way of looking at life believing that everything can be nicely tied up. Ok for tired people I guess. * Thanks for the comments on itunes btw. It's funny how things have developed from a few xxs on my mobile.


Oh and the above made it sound like I didn't like your story, when I really really did. I bought my laptop 2nd hand for £250 so I'm sure you can pick one up somewhere pretty cheaply.


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