Naughty by nature story/harry-kerdean/naughty-by-nature-8
Who else has been reading this saga of drugs and petty crime? Something like a script for a soap based on "Trainspotting".
It sounds believable , I started comparing it to Brendan Behan. But I find the adventures a bit long, after a while they all seem the same. The language is generally clear and terse, although a few grammatical errors need editing, eg Chapter 8, para 4 "what (to) do" (word missing.)
Some characters mentioned are oddly undescribed, eg, the social worker.
I wonder about the narrator's claim to be a poor communicator: eg, "my inability to strike up conversation left me feeling self conscious", this appears to be contradicted by the verbose and detailed way the story is told.
Also I am bothered about the narrator's lack of emotion or tone, are we expected to see him as a rogue, a drug affected loony, a seedy raconteur, a reformed person looking back? (maybe this was in chapter 1, sorry if I missed it).