The Wayward Bus

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The Wayward Bus

I'm a great fan of John Steinbeck and am currently reading The Wayward Bus. Amazingly the first 77 pages take place over breakfast! Steinbeck has a deep understanding of people and a broad knowledge of the world. For a lesson in how to introduce characters and explore their feelings and emotions, this is a must read.

Yep, he is one of the greats. My fave of his is 'In Dubious Battle'. It pre-dates 'The Grapes Of Wrath' but the themes are close. 'Of Mice of Men', a small novel that is still really one of the great textbooks on how to write. I have been to Monterry, where Tortilla Flat is set and where he used to live, and found both evocative and emotional. Nice one


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Steinbeck published Of Mice and Men in 1937 and I love this story. But...Turgenev (my favorite author?) wrote a story in 1852 - Mumu - that so much reminds me of Steinbeck's story that I have to wonder if there was an influence. Some have agreed, some have not. In Steinbeck's favor: I'm not sure if there was an English translation of Turgenev's work in the 30's. Also in Steinbeck's favor: he was brilliant in his own right. I once read that originality is now impossible. The most any of us can hope for is to say something in a new and different way. Personally, I don't agree with this...
Steinbeck! Of course! I just couldn't place it. The answer is Canney Row? :-)
I think I've read Wayward Bus. Is there an overflowing river that requires the bus to make a detour?
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