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I just came across this and had to post it up here:

I cannnot imagine a more touching human story.

Very moving, I have read other accounts of women holding bundles of rags containing the remains of their babies. The person who wrote the story was also a 'rescuer' and the women would be begging for milk for their children that were no more. Very sad.
Oh just the chance to plug a little known charity I'm involved with. Helen Bamber went to Belsen after the war to help the survivors there. She found, amongst all the physical aspects, that many survivors felt a terrific need for someone to listen to them describing their experiences. Anyway - on her return after working with Amnesty, she founded The Medical Foundation. She's left now but it's still going. It's a clinic in London where doctors, psychiatrists, councillors etc give their time free to treat survivors of torture who make it to this country. Frequently, many political refugees who've been through that sort of thing, survive it all, escape the country and then, after all that, because they can't cope with the psychological after effects - commit suicide. It's all very sad (they treat chidren as well). It's a very worthwhile charity, it's just a shame their name is so wishy washy, no one knows what they do. Anyway, here's the link if anyone's interested:
I've donated to the MF many times, as I used to work with refugees, most of whom were survivors of things more horrific than I ever wish to experience firsthand. It's a good cause.
It's worst nightmare stuff. I must admit, I think twice before I read their reports anymore.
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