radio denver's site

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radio denver's site

This is a site worthwhile visiting. The photographs are superb and I mean really superb!
Enjoyed the stories too. Thanks. That's all

My favourite bit: "Most folks regardless of where they call home behave in the same predictable ways. The British and the Germans and the Italians and the French are no different from Americans; we just live in different places, that's all."
That's a predictable reaction. And I would have expected exactly the same if you were German, Italian, French or American. Of course, you might have had a different IP address.


And posted in a different language.


Or the same language.


Definitely one or the other.


Where's his site?

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

It's ok...I found it. Took more than 5 seconds to think about that's not good enough for me. Fookin' yankie and all!

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

"The photographs are superb and I mean really superb!" You mean that naked chick?
sorry - the link is on the Dilemma thread. Really great photos.
The pics are truly gorgeous. You are talented Radio! I would not mind this one on my wall:
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