caeser salad with no dressing by little chilli

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caeser salad with no dressing by little chilli

this is wonderful, how many women think that if only they could just lose a stone then everything will be all right. I love the voice in this and the slow reveal, which adds so much poignancy to her diet and what it really stands for. The husband is painted wholly without caricature, and you get a sense that he is struggling so much more for having to watch Rachel go through it. And the ending, well i like that there is a glimmer of hope in it.

Beautifully done.


Can I be your little chilli, Juliet? I liked this (because you do). Did you watch that programme about women trying to increase their breast size? All the different techniques available? Most of them don't work. My wife is always trying to lose weight. her last messiah was that McKenna hypnotist dude. He told her to eat as much as she liked but to tap herself on the forehead everytime she felt like going for the junk. She put on 3 stone in two and half months. There's nothing worse than a neighbour with crap wind chimes

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

i've got crap wind chimes. still think this is a great piece. Juliet


Yep. ;) There's nothing worse than a neighbour with crap wind chimes (except Juliet).

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

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