hi there

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hi there

hi everyone! how's everyone doing? :)

i'm new here, but i've already posted 4 of my poems...with a few more on the way... as well as a story that i'm planning to post this weekend.

My story is approximately 2000words long. Do you suggest that i post the entire story or break it into parts?

Also i'd please like some feedback on my poems.





thanks guys.

ps. i really like alot of the stuff here. right now i'm reading 'free verse' by jacques07 :)

2000, post it. I've got a 3000 word piece with a cherry. people will read it.

Give me the beat boys and free my soul! I wanna getta lost in ya rock n' roll and drift away. Drift away...

My dear, are you 12? Or merely American? If you are enjoying jacques work, then please stop writing. I have read your 'poetry' and it is the same as a trillion other angsty people who think that they are the first person to find someone else attractive or to have had some sort of passing relationship with a member of the opposite sex. We have all (yes,even me) had flutterings of the heart, but poetry is about expressing it in a way that is not banal. I'm afraid you failed spectacularly.
The clue's in the name, Maz. Simon Cowell. ABC's very own eunuch in the harem: he sees it done every day, he knows how to do it - but he can't do it himself! Check out his archive for proof: http://www.abctales.com/user/simoncowell Just another limp dick. Keep going Maz baby!
i think what *simon* is trying to say is that there is nothing new to write about. For your writing to stand out you need to present your idea in an original way, give the reader a new perspective. There are lots of excellent poets on here. Read and read it is the one of the best ways to improve. Juliet


thanks for the feedback guys. and no simon dear i'm neither 12 nor American, i'm trying to improve my writing skills and *hopefully* i'll get better with time. i'm studying 2 poets at school: Margaret Atwood, and Wordsworth. Atwood is very feminist but i enjoy Wordsworth and the imagery he uses in his poems. i'd like to create my own style of writing but for now here are 3 more 'banal' 'angsty' poems: (the last ones...i promise) http://www.abctales.com/story/maz373/dagger-hate http://www.abctales.com/story/maz373/nice-dream http://www.abctales.com/story/maz373/sunshine

...everything was beautiful, but nothing hurt...

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