Poets & Writers Contests

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Poets & Writers Contests

Does anybody else search the Poets and Writers Database for contests? I look for ones that don't have a fee, but I always wonder if I'm missing out on winning a prize by just letting go of paying a fee. I feel like if they were really interested in the work it would be free, but I get that they would possible receive to much then. what do other people think about paying the fee? have you done it? would you do it?

Somethingididntdo has a good solution for you on this one. They made a website which lets you search by fees, prizes, closing dates, and other criteria. I'd recommend checking it out - it's new so it's not exhaustive, but it's a well executed idea and the more of us who pitch in on it the better it'll be. http://abctales.com/forum/2011/07/03/lit-comp-list Re the fees - well I assume part of it goes in to the prize pot so I don't resent it. That said, I only pay to enter if I've got something that I think is worth the cost!
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