What are we doing?

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What are we doing?

This sort of thing is often regarded as hippy mumbo-jumbo, but I think this needs to be listened to. I'm sure there is another side to the story, but it would be doing well to counteract this compelling arguement.


What are we doing?

I can't even begin to describe how I feel when I watch this video, Stan. Helpless is one word that comes to mind, but it doesn't do the feeling justice. The carcenogenic fish bit just tore me up. As I've said elsewhere today. I just want a wooden shack and my thoughts, a bit of food and water, and paper and a pen. The comment you quote just serves as an 'it's not all that bad' reinforcer. It is that bad. We need policy change, because no - people will not give up their ipads, their conveniences, without prompting. We are like termites, really. We gut the piece of wood we're in and leave it to rot. Even if it was the last piece of wood in the entire universe, a colony of termites would see it off. Then they would die, because they could not be sustained any longer. If you zoom out far enough, we are nothing but termites. We have the ability to transcend this, what with our critical faculties and all, but people like this cause us to believe that we don't.
I suppose its less about what that minority does and more about what the majority would do if put in the minority's position. If the have nots would do the same as the haves, which they would, then its down to human nature. This minority are not evil, just human. Is it possible that there is a finite amount of happiness in the world, and like a double duvet, if one is wrapped up in it, then the other is likely to have a cold arse?