Americans Networking To Survive
Thu, 2012-11-08 14:49
Americans Networking To Survive is external)
I was looking for something else, but stumbled across what might be the funniest, most tragic website on the internet. I think we all know (including our resident ABC Americans) that people like this can only be from the US of A.
Is it serious? I almost can't tell. Or maybe I'm just a bad person, and it's a great idea that will eventually save lives...
I don't know if this Facebook link will work, but my buddy, Vini, in New York arranged this. Every winter he organises a huge drive for the homeless, but with current disasters he's decided to organise something to help his own people; is external)
If the link doesn't work, Vin writes; "Yesterday we helped over 100 people with clothes, firewood, food, boxes, and shoes today we helped 100s of people with gas, extension cords, boxes and indoor propane heaters, if anyone knows of families in need please let me know, we go to them personally. We also can use more firewood, socks, candles, batteries, and FUNDS help out peeps we are trying hard to help pitch in PLEASE...,"
He also goes on to write; "Checks can be made out to LIFE RELIEF and sent to 1 Navajo ct Coram NY 11727 or dropped off to Cool Spot Beverage on Merrick Rd in Lindenhurst thank you all in advance. God Bless"
Sandy was a bitch, but I should say that when she hit Vini posted a photograph of himself and his wife sitting inside with no electricity, no heating, no water, but with great big grins as they sat around log fire.
He said wrote, "Love life, no matter what she throws at you."
Sorry, Steve, but I'm not seeing the humor. Not after that hurricane blew threw here. Maybe you read that link as some survivalist nuts seeing disaster around every corner. Always waiting for the bombs to fall. If it is that sort of website, I'm blind to it at the moment.
And maybe I'm just being over sensitive after the events of last week. I don't know.
I think I have an open mind about the world around me and I can't speak for other countries, because I've never yet crossed an ocean. But I don't know why this sort of behavior would be indigenous to the US?
We have a good share of nuts, but don't you have nuts where you come from?
All the best,
I can see why, in the wake of Sandy, this sort of thing makes a bit more sense, but black holes, gamma ray bursts? Preparing for the death of all of America's bats and the resulting increase in insects and crop decimation? This website covers everything...
'Trojan weapons - appear on face value to be gifts, though the intent is to in some way harm the recipient'.
Well done to your mate though! I feel a bit guilty for posting this now haha.
hudson, I probably shouldn't have posted it, and I do, of course, have genuine sympathy for those people affected by Sandy. I was more referring to the ridiculousness of some of the disasters cited on the website. Sorry for any offence caused.
I'm afraid I didn't go any further than the home page, Steve. Mine was a knee jerk reaction to a disaster close to home. I wasn't so much offended as I was baffled. I never heard of ANTs, but I will check it out more thoroughly. No hard feelings. I just wasn't getting it.
I do think, though, that it is indicative of the scaremongering social sphere in the western world that people feel compelled to go this far.
Alien Invasion
"Since the late 1970s, extraterrestrials from other habitable planets or parallel dimensions (such as "Greys") and intraterrestrials from Hollow Earth (such as "Reptilians") have been included in the New World Order conspiracy, in more or less dominant roles, as in the theories put forward by American writers Stan Deyo and Milton William Cooper, and British writer David Icke.
The common theme in such theories is that aliens have been among us for decades, centuries or millennia, but a government cover-up has protected the public from knowledge of ancient astronauts and an alien invasion.
Motivated by speciesism and imperialism, these aliens have been and are secretly manipulating developments and changes in human society in order to more efficiently control and exploit it."
That's a little bit mental.
lol. A Bit.
Have you ever read "The Road" by Cormack McCarthy? It's a post-apocalyptic tale of the journey of a father and his young son across a landscape blasted by an unspecified cataclysm that has destroyed almost all of civilised Earth.
It's actually very good, at least it held mny attention, but I don't think it was deserving of the Pulitzer Prise it won.