Thu, 2013-10-03 17:23
I don't seem to receive notification of the award of cherries and I am also missing notifications of some comments on my work. I picked up these by chance, scrolling my menu. I'd be grateful if this anomaly could be redressed. Thank you.
Hi Luigi and MU. That's very frustrating. Appologies in advance if I am stating the obvious here, double check that your account has not had the 'email comments notification' box un-checked by accident. It's a long shot but one to look into. I have disabled this by chance in the past by clicking the wrong link in the email sent to me and then wondered why things had gone very quiet.
Just a thought.
That doesn't seem to enable notification of cherries nowadays though does it? Rh
You are right, scratch, the box was unchecked. I remedied the situation and it seems that notifications are coming through. Thanks.
Come on editors, give me a cherry and I'll test whether notification ensues.