Karl Wiggins has been freestylin forever, or so it seems …..

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Karl Wiggins has been freestylin forever, or so it seems …..

…. yo. Hang on, what tha fuck is I bustin freestylin up in tha third person, biatch? This is me biaatch!


I be a gangsta yo, but y'all knew dat n' mah first summer season was up in Bournemouth, where I ended up returnin ta whenever I hit England ta re-charge mah energies. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! I hit dat shiznit tha doors fo' various pubs n' clubs up in tha hood n' dropped daytimes down tha beach. I dropped a winter up in a tent up in tha middle of a gangbangin' forest, hitch-hikin down ta Benidorm afterwards, where I found work fo' all dem weeks but soon moonwalked back ta Bournemouth. Da next winter six of our asses drove down ta tha Canary Islandz up in a van, where we ended up …..






Just a heads up mate!

I got a Trojan report with your 1st link!  frown

Generally, that means you might have picked up a nasty virus with ya m........... choppers or sumfing dude!

Thanks for the warning, Diver, but I think this is pretty safe. I hope so anyway. BBanyard, the trouble with dancing is that I'm the original James Dean, "Don't dance." People come up to me at weddings and call me miserable. But I'm onky miserable because they won't leave alone. I'm quite happy sitting getting quietly Janet Street-Portered on my own. HOWEVER, when I do dance my wife walks away and leaves me on my phone, phoning my son to warn him to stay away if he's with his mates because, "Your Dad's dancing." 


Hi, nut job xx

Hey, baby-girl, did you read my author interviews above?


Nut. Tryin' to put ma pic on profile. Will do sooooooon xx