vet dilemma

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vet dilemma

Last Sunday Tina got suddenly very ill, drooling and being sick. We took her down the road to the vet, who kindly saw her even though it was sunday. She was given anti biotic because she had a temperature, and something to stop her being sick. She came home, did a very runny yellow poo, and went to sleep. Although she wasn't sick or runny again she was too quiet and not eating very much so took her back on Wednesday, when she was given more anti biotics. Several people suggested to me that it was poisoning, and I was worried that she might have rolled on some crocuses and grape hyacinths by the front door, which I hadn't realised were very bad, but the vet didn't think so. But also said didn't know what was wrong with her? I took her back again on Friday, and they found that her urea level was up a bit, not enough for kidney failure, but they kept her in till sunday. Since then she is eating less and less, today only about a spoonful if all tiny bits added up?

So, the dilemma is : people say the vet on the mainland is much better because it has lots of equipment and stuff, whereas our vet is very small. But the people who recommend this vet can take their animals in a car and we can't, so she would have to be carried on and off the ferry, and onto taxis and stuff. Getting to the vet would take at least an hour of lots of strange sounds and moving about? And possibly 3 hours back because of waiting if the boats are iffy, which is awefully long in a small cat box when you are ill and scared?

Do you think it would be worth the stress to her? Suppose they needed to keep seeing her for check ups, which is likely? This would mean lots of travelling and she is already not herself.

What would you do?

I'm so sorry to hear about Tina. please send her my love and tell her how much we all enjoy her valuable comments on abctales. 

Could you perhaps get a mild tranquilliser for her for the journey, from the local vet? Also, Tina might not feel too bad in a cat carrier - mine were always ok in one - it was only when they had to be taken out of the carrier that they got scared. You could maybe try putting in something that smelt of home - a tshirt or something?

Please let us know how you get on Di. Keeping all my fingers crossed for you both xx 


It's horrible reading about any animal suffering, but even worse when it's a part of your family. I do hope Tina will be okay and return to health.

Thinking about you both Di, and hoping everything is okay.

You take care.

Jenny. x


Oh Di, I really feel for you. I got agitated when my cat had to be left at the door with the lovely vet staff for her annual jabs because they weren't allowing humans into the surgery at the height of the pandemic. 

I think I'd be inclined to do it at least for an initial visit, if you can, to get a more definitive view of what's wrong. Then you can decide what to do for the future when you know more. You do have to weigh up whether the anxiety for them is worth it, but at least you might have a clearer idea about that if the mainlaind vet has an initial look.

Lots of love to Tina and to you. Let us know how she's getting on. x

Dear Claudine, have tried to reply to you but Tina sat on the keyboard and no letters appeared which never happens , so I guessed she wasn't sure, herself? Today, she is sitting next to the keyboard and watching me, probably ready to poke me in the eye if I say the wrong thing :0) We havendfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc (I am guessing that means will sue you for slander) haven't taken her to the mainland, as she has started eating a bit better, it is only one of those small Sheba tins all day, but today she seems more her plumtious self :0) It was a huge comfort to me to read your reply thankyou. I bet it was your good wishes that helped!444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444


hahahahaha - so pleased to hear Tina seems a little better - please give her a stroke from me. My cat used to be able to delete entire programs from my laptop when he was alive - it was quite impressive - but maybe best not tell Tina or she might take it as a challenge laugh


She knows masses more about computers than I do - I wouldn't be at all surprised if she was writing programs :0)


Thankyou very much Jenny, I think she might be feeling better today . This message was much longer but I edited it a bit, hope nothing important00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000opppppppppppppppppppppppppoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilgftvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrv


Thankyou so much for your post Airy. I sympathise a lot about handing Little Cat over at the door for her jabs. The vet said Tina kept trashing her cage the first night/day when she stayed over, so couldn't drink anything or eat anything as she kept putting her blanket in it or covering it in cat litter. That's a worry that the stress will make them suffer. She is sitting demurely next to me again just now, it really is as if she knew you were sending her your thoughts, so thankyou very much from us both


So glad she's feeling better. Little Cat and I send lots of hugs.

Big smiles from Jenny, smiley I'm so pleased to read Tina's on  the mend.

What a huge relief. Phew. xx