Spaghetti Si

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Spaghetti Si

I've just joined this site and have been reading stuff by Spaghetti Si. I like it - check it out!

Hetti C Spag
Anonymous's picture
End of Thread.
Anonymous's picture
Aww shucks. Thanks VCA
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
Only if you dip your forefinger in goats blood and sign the following affidavit: I, (insert your name here), do solemnly swear that I am none of the following persons: Spag's Mum, Grandma or Auntie; in fact any relative of Spaghetti Si; a friend; a girlfriend; someone paid to say this by aforementioned writer; Spaghetti_Si in disguise. I do further hereby attest that I stumbled upon his work by pure chance and recommend it with my whole heart and without any bias whatsoever. I also understand that should I perjure myself by signing this statement, SpagSi may be banned from Ta Chucks (no apostrophe) for life. (blatent self publicists not allowed in you see). Signed........................ (VCA) Witnessed....................... (A.N.Other) Thank you for your co-operation. *Ta Chucks pedestal manager*
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Maybe we should use a version of this as a standard recommendations contract :-) Although it is great when people recommend others on the site - I've found some great writers that way (*sniff* and no-one's selected anything by my pseudonym yet)
Anonymous's picture
I end threads damn you!
Stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
Dear Emily, Perhaps if you call yourself 'pseudo nymph' the times read will increase if nothing else! :-)
Anonymous's picture
I can reassure you that I would not post as VCA. What a silly name? Also I am shy about my stuff and think most people hate it, so I would not want you guys reading it and hating it. That's all
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Good plan Stormy... maybe I will (although how do you know my user name isn'already deeply saucy?)
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
"....and some fell on stony ground" Amen
Anonymous's picture
See Emily, I was recommended. Now please put me down as being such. Seems that polish_mark , my flatmate is annoying me with his " They love me and hate you" annoying remarks
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