Why is poetry `good` ?
As someone who literally reads hundreds of poems a week, I have been wondering, always a dangerous occupation, about what constitutes a ggod poem, or why a poem works for me. It is no doubt a fact that judging poetry is a highly subjective occupation and my main disclaimer for people not always agreeing with the cherries or why they haven't got one. I look for originality of expression, lack of cliche, a poetic `music`, which I'm afraid I can't really define. My favourite poets on the site all have that poetic sensebility, a heightened form of expression that fires the reader in all sorts of emotional directions. There are rythms even where there isn't ryhme and a carving out a sculpting of poetic design from a mass of verbiage that the spark or idea came from. The poems that don't work for me are those where the motive or ambition of the poet has not succeeded in being translated into a personal original poem but a generalised and cliche ridden series of verses that lean to heavily on the derivative.
As if the poet, in not initially being able to express exactly the feelings the poem inspired, falls back on expressions that come closest and are ready made and comfortable. I wonder if the poets on the site and people who enjoy reading poetry would like to say what constitutes good poetry for them.