What would you like to see on ABCtales?

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What would you like to see on ABCtales?

...or to be more specific, the front page. (NB: I'm expecting lots of people to come back saying links to their work so let's take that one as read, eh!)

Anonymous's picture
Don't push yer luck, Saucyboy. Three days on the trot, indeed!
Anonymous's picture
Andrea calls me saucy ( smiles). You told me to stop putting myself down :-)
Anonymous's picture
what i would like to see is a virtual cake shop ... writers need cakes and i for one would like a custard slice ...
Anonymous's picture
So I did, sincere apologies, go for it...
Anonymous's picture
Aww shucks. Thanks emily. * sobs like a lake of ice filled joyment*
Anonymous's picture
Thanks andrea. Also I have just made a hostile takeover of Gregg's the bakers. Pretty soon Spags R' Us will have cakes as well
Anonymous's picture
can I supply the virual cakes, please? Have given up cooking with eggs, dairy and miss making stuff for people Can do Danish pastries eclairs victoria sponges working on an edible apple strudel just about anything chocalatey...
Anonymous's picture
How about fairyfish scones? Any good at that?
spag's mother
Anonymous's picture
That is great Fey. Spag woudl love that. Unfortuneately Taj has shot battenburgs at Si and he is in hospital. Praying that he will pull through.
Anonymous's picture
Pull through what, Spag's long-suffering Ma?
spag's mother
Anonymous's picture
He is on his way to hospital and could yet die from battenburg bruising an poisoning. can't say anymore as I have to go to the hospital and be by his side
iFB (heavily di...
Anonymous's picture
phew ...
Inspector Plod
Anonymous's picture
Now then, now then. What 'av we 'ere. I am 'ere to talk to , er Miss IvoryFishbone. Anyone seen 'er?
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Proper photos of Emily and Mark - as yet, I am one of the few fortunates to have a piccie of Emily. (And yes Robert, she is elfin) It seems from these forums that what most people want is constructive criticism of their work, but how you would go about that is beyond me. Maybe everyone that actually wants constructive criticism could select one story and lodge it in a zone, whereupon the editors pick out one a day - not to say Cake of the Day, but just to say, here's someone that wants some constructive criticism on a story, please read the story, give it some thought and lodge your comments in another Zone that only the author can access. Such hits for constructive criticism not to be counted as hits for story, to prevent people just doing it as an ego boost. Any views, anyone ?
Anonymous's picture
Yes, I have a view. I think that's an absolutely brilliant idea, Andrew. I would be very interested in submitting a story for such criticism and, although I don't pretend to be a critic myself, would be more than willing to give any help I could re other people's work. Something for the front page perhaps, Emily (re your other thread).
Anonymous's picture
Sorry, losing the plot, 'tis late. This thread, of course...
Anonymous's picture
I'll go for that Andrew. Especially like your point about only the author being able to access it, that would enable people to be honest. Good one.
Anonymous's picture
*briefly online so don't shout at me Liana* I agree. I am an advocate for critique. I agree that it should be only for that person to read
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Love the critiquing idea. Setting up a zone that only the author could see would be tricky as it would require additional passwording etc = big tech changes = expensive Ditto, not allowing such hits to count towards 'times read' However, we have got ABCtales e-mail coming shortly (yep, all of you will be able to have username@abctales.com addresses) so maybe that could be used as the personal response mechanism, so that people didn't have to give out their personal e-mail addresses. Although if anyone wants to be critiqued with responses going to their usual e-mail address, nominate yourself now and you could be the first 'I want critiquing' person for me to put on the front page tomorrow...
Barry Wood
Anonymous's picture
Dear Andrew: Brilliant idea! Barry
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Sky magazine used to run a personals column with headings of boys, girls, music, fashion and 'stuff about Morrissey' because so much of that was clogging up the other forums. With tongue slightly in cheek, could the forums be expanded by one to be "Stuff about Spaghetti Si" - every other topic is about him. No offence Si - most of them aren't started by you. And plus, then all the newcomers would think you were some sort of deity of the site.
stormy petrel
Anonymous's picture
Nominates Andrew for Head of Creative Ideas Dept ABC/Forum Control.
Lord Alfred Hayes
Anonymous's picture
Spag takes no offence. I think he has started all of three threads. "Stuff about me would be very boring" Spag said while tucking into spag bol at number 5 Spaghetti street, London borough of Spaghetti trees,Spagland
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Already feel guilty about being even slightly nasty to Si, who is a nice chap. Stormy is right - are there any jobs going Emily ?
Lord Alfred Hayes
Anonymous's picture
Spag says he doesn't mind a ribbing. He finds it funny. Si thinks that Andrew is a nice guy and is glad to call him an ABC mate
Anonymous's picture
rider clause to my nomination: "All aforementioned ideas created solely by, or with others in partnership or otherwise, the said Andrew Pack, must not be given the time of day let alone published, printed or stored in any media format or retrieval system, should said idea include or allude to demised or soon to be arisen in manner of phoenix BLOODY MACAW"
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Stormy, I solemnly undertake not to resurrect the bird. I have simply laid the foundation work to hint at how it might be done. I will not do it myself. However, if someone else wants to take on the Herbert West,(Reanimator) role, I cannot be responsible for what happens thereafter. BTW is Lord Alfred Hayes one of yours ? I lose track.
Lord Alfred Hayes
Anonymous's picture
Hello dera chap. I am Spag si's personal assistant and head waitor at Spags R' Us. Nice to meet you.
Anonymous's picture
Andrew. Does it 'sound' like me? Lately I have just been me and haven't posted a great deal (until tonight) or under any alias' for a while. I accept your promise but no putting up that brighton bloke to resurrect him on your behalf.
Emily Dubberley
Anonymous's picture
Andrew, I'd love to hire you but I don't think we've got any jobs going at present. But I will carry on linking through to your work from the front page every time you come up with an ace idea (which probably means you'll be on the front page for the rest of eternity given the amount of good ideas you come up with) But don't be nasty to Si. We love him.
Anonymous's picture
You know, even though you already said it, I have to say Spaghetti Si should always be on the front page. That way you get the coolest of cool people rushing to join :)
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