Tue, 2001-07-31 22:49
If you send work in to publishers how can you guard against anyone stealing your work and claiming copywrite?
I don't think you can guard against it apart from keeping a dated and perhaps countersigned copy of your submission. this is only useful for when you sue after finding your published elsewhere under a different name. How do we know that work on this site isn't being copied and used by others?
Bill Bryson has been chasing someone who published some of his work for years without success.
I think it's called 'risk'.
Copyright Fecky 2001
Fecky, you cheeky little monkey. Still, it makes a good point. If you do send anything off that you particularly value, also send a copy to yourself. Then keep the package that arrives unopened; in the case of a dispute, you then have proof. I'm about to co-write something with another writer and there's another minefield. A part of you has to trust but Stormy (as bloody usual) is perfectly correct - risk has to be a factor.
I don't bother with all that. I rely on the publisher to send it back to me... never fails.
*wonders if they keep a copy?*
heading off for the sun
risk factor 10?
or am i already browned off enough?
writely or rongly, as a playwrite i always copywright everything i right
Lack of correct capitalisation and punctuation are as unacceptable as bad spelling!
If you're going to take the piss don't stand in the piss-trough!
Eric dear, is that you?
capitalisation and punctuation are tough to master, but the joy of the web is its accessibility
i have just registered with i know nothing about carpentry, but i do own a hammer, and i am looking forward to taking over their discussion boards
You'd be better off at! I've no doubt you have the necessary equipment and experience for their boards also!
these carpenters are SO arrogant!
They knock out a good tune though.
Have it officially copyrighted with the US Copyright office. That would be the best way. Actually, the minute you put pen to paper, or strokes on the keyboard, it is yours, but to be absolutely safe, the best way is through the copyright office where ever you are. US or otherwise. It costs like $30-35.00, US, I believe, per piece.
To povint that from happening do resech on your publisher buy name. And mail your story to you in the mail becuse the posteg date will be on it and if it is truly your work you hand that to a juge in a cort room and hill see the date you wrote it whitch will be befor the peoerson took your story and you will win your case.
copyright - it's the question we all ask ourselves at the beginning. with trembling hands we send off our manuscript, certain that we're the next best-seller, wary of everyone - what if the postman gets his thieving little hands on it? of course, he'll immediately recognise it for the money-spinner it is. of course, the thieving little b****** will try and pass it off as his own.
a million rejection letters later, and you'll be grateful if anyone's even looked at your manuscript, let alone tried to nick it off you. hell, you'll be trying to give the thing away yourself.
copyright - i wouldn't worry too much about it.
Me neither.
As someone once so eloquently pointed out to me: If it's that good, they'll want to market it. If it's that bad, they wouldn't want to touch it with a bargepole anyway...
I think someone would have to be pretty sad to copy someones work and make money from it... I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did anything like that. Bad karma would follow you like a grim shadow.
These corporate people who are out to make money have a lot of bad karma coming their way. All the people they've exploited, oh yeah Babylon is going to come tumbling down with an almighty crash. Then when money isn't central to peoples lives and love is what are these people gonna do then... then the first will come last. They only look tall cause their standing on their wallets. But its an illusion.
The only way to fight them it seems is with the Spirit of truth
they don't really understand about that. And also if we come together as one then we are powerful. Thats why there is so much division everywhere, cause when people are united then they are a powerful force. But if everyones out for themselves then they are weak and no real threat.
'A wild goose flies 70% faster and has a 70% greater chance of survival in a formation. Than he does on his own.'
Its a shame that people out there copy. It just shows they aint got any talent of their own. Writers should form a group or something and then if this ever happens they can unite together and protect and fight for this person whose copyrights have been violated...
If we all stuck together, then we could all protect one anothers work against thieves.
If one of us gets exploited then we could all race to be at by that persons side and defend them with our pen...
which is a mightier than the sword so they say...
Together we would have a better chance of helping someone get justice. We could be like geese flying in formation..
I don't know but the reason the world seems like such a hard place is because of the lack of unity...
evryones out for themselves it seems.. and communities are falling apart and its sad..
united we stand divided we fall.
Ever thought of going into politics? You couldnt do any worse than that dufus Bush....
yeah man.. I would abolish money for a start...
and I would make some things legal which aren't at the moment..
maybe I would have a national silly hat day.
Where evryone has to wear a silly hat for the day.
and a national no mobilephone day..
and a national no manufactured pop music day..
and I would have Amsterdam styley cafes everywhere
and change the licensing laws so that pubs stay open for as long as they want...
yeah man vote for me..hehe
I'm with you Funky...
...But you'll never make it tellin' the truth.
After reading these missspeld wurds, I want to be a riter to!
what's the truth
by sending your work to abctales first, does this not then mean that the day and time of the submitted work is recorded
thus a form of copyright is induced...
I don't think you can guard against it apart from keeping a dated and perhaps countersigned copy of your submission. this is only useful for when you sue after finding your published elsewhere under a different name. How do we know that work on this site isn't being copied and used by others?
Bill Bryson has been chasing someone who published some of his work for years without success.
I think it's called 'risk'.