How far would you go to get published
I stumbled across this story at
which I thought you might like (and yes, I'll be endeavouring to get an interview!)
"Publishers have told aspiring writer Carol Muskoron that she has enough talent to be published, but the 37-year-old self-described housewife and mother of two didn't stand out enough from the crowd. So she did what any novelist desperate for attention might do: She got naked.
First there was Naked News, a site where anchors deliver the news in the buff. Now, there's Naked Novelist, where Muskoron shares her novel in progress, My Middle Class Girl, as well as short stories. And, yes, video clips show her writing in the raw.
Of course, not everyone is logging on to, well, read. But that's OK with Muskoron, who, though attractive, says ''there's much better porn on the Net than me. People log on for the nudity, then find themselves reading a short story and really enjoying it.''
So the question is... how far would you go to get published?