Upper limits
Tue, 2002-03-05 03:55
Upper limits
Is there an upper limit to the size of story you can submit to the site? How many words is too many words? I just wrote a story tonight that ended up 10,000 words long, and it would be great to get feedback but I fear that may be a little big...
I think that you can technically actually post any number of words primate... i would be reluctant to post so many though, for a couple of reasons. Most peoples attention span when reading something online tends to be much shorter than when actually holding a book....i could be wrong here btw.. the other reason is that Ive seen Andrew (Pack) beg people to keep stuff short because the eds have to read everything meticulously to ensure that the age certificate thingy fits. when they have to read fifty or so pieces at once, 10,000 words can be more than a touch daunting.
how about serialising it?
Well said Liana! There is no upper limit but we prefer long pieces to be broken down into sections cos apart from anything else, if it gets picked up by the filter then having to read 10,000 words in one go can be a tad daunting and slows up everyone else being removed from the spike
Fair enough :) I will split it into many bits. I always did like them serialised stories they showed at the cinema when I was a boy.
Cheers guys!
Rocket Man ! I remember being hooked by one episode where he was in the trunk of a car and we saw it clearly go over the cliff and nobody got out - next week, we cut to just before it goes over the cliff and he leaps out. I'm sure Stephen King has written about this as well, but it is something that struck me very forcefully as a child - that is just plain WRONG. You can use whatever world you want in a story, I love putting magic in mine, but your story has to be true to its internal logic. Sorry, gone off on one. Liana is right, bless her.