help and advice, please
I've always wanted to be a writer, ever since I was a small child, and when I left university 12 years ago, I felt that it was a case of now or never. I write mostly short stories, with a little poetry as well. Trying to be realistic, I took a part-time job to put food on the table and pay the bills while I got established. I did my "homework", selecting those publications which were most suitable (Writers and Artists Yearbook etc), and requesting any guidelines for authors that were available from those magazines I selected. I made sure I treated my writing seriously as you would any job, so I have been sending out around 25 stories each month for the last 12 years. That's a lot of stories! I decided that I was prepared to wait around 5 years before I got a steady trickle of acceptances and estimated that it could take up to 10 years before I was "established" and could consider giving up my other job. I always pay attention to presentation, ensuring typescripts are clean, tidy and uncreased, and laid out professionally, with SAE enclosed. However, I haven't had a single acceptance during the last 12 years! I'm feeling rather discouraged, and it's getting to the stage where it's really becoming too expensive to continue. Does anyone have any advice, please? Is it worth continuing, or would it be better to cut my losses and give up now?