Moscow Stations
Tue, 2003-01-21 11:15
Moscow Stations
John Webber put me on to this and after a long haul with Little Dorrit I started it on a trip to Europe last week.
It took me three hours to get through and I was totally gripped.
It is the most extraordinary book. It's surreal, fantastic and totally human. What's it about? I'm not sure and I suspect that the Russian author, Yerofeev, wasn't sure either. It can be seen as the head trip of the world's most stonking alcoholic, as the vivid dream of a northern magus, as a road trip to despair or just a bloody funny read. I suspect that it is all of them.
I got it from the Book Place - had to wait a couple of weeks for it - but I recommend it to you all.
Thankyou, barenib/john!
For what it's worth, my review of it is here at:
Better just to get a copy and read it for yourselves!
Sounds a bit like Charles Bukowski, perhaps with some of the Good Soldier Svjek for good measure. I'll put it on my list. Thanks for the recommendation. Good review!
And once you've read it and you're in a deranged Russian mood go on to Death and the Penguin by Andrey Kurkov (he's Ukrainian before you all winge). It's light, hilarious and very,very poignant.
it's availabe at £6.29 from the Book Place. go there now (after clicking through from ABCtales) and buy it! You know it makes sense.