censorship against Anti bullying

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censorship against Anti bullying

I do not think there is enough anti bullying literature from the realistic aggressive hate filled point of view. Victims of bullying don’t get to tell about how painful and traumatic bullying is because we just get regarded as inferior beings. So when we start talking about how painful the abuse is. The abuser says shut up, what a boring rant. They see the victims as trivial, pathetic, meaningless scum so they see anything we say as such. So they just close off their minds to our view. If they ever do read my stuff they just laugh and enjoy causing me more pain or they tell me to get medication, but in a snide nasty way. As if the way to solve all abuse is to give victim medication without solving the actual source of the problem in the first place.
Why can’t I get to say how much hatred and pain bullies make me feel because otherwise they will not treat the problem seriously and they will continue to feel just giving the victim medication is a solution
Bullies see books written by bullies as deep profound plays that state the meaning of life. They see plays written by victims as disturbing creepy, scary, deranged plays. Yet the reality is it is the bully who is abusing people and wrecking lives.
I just face a brick wall when I try to put my perspective across. Most bullies have met wanted me to die in pain. Yet If I say back I how much I hate them in retaliation then I get regarded as the dangerous one. Instead of being respected as something expressing the real emotions most victims of abuse feel to an abuser. Such reactions are just swept under the carpet or punished instead of being respected.
Most bullies feel fear, arrogance, disgust to anything a victim says so it wouldn't make any differnce if was repeating the phone book over and over again.

Anonymous's picture
Harold – I think your post here gives part of the answer. I understand the massive anger and negative emotions that bullying produces; but if you’re talking about being published, the paragraph that you have written here is already hard to read. I am sure it gives you tremendous release to be able to express these feelings – but you must understand that they are very, very difficult for people to read. Trite and boring as it is, if people want to read the stories of victims or are to be made to be interested in reading about them (and therefore publishers want to publish on it), what is readable are the stories of overcoming, of moving beyond these feelings. A book’s worth of anger, no matter how important it is to the writer is highly unlikely to be readable to most people. Nor am I sure that such a narrative would really be helpful to a bullying victim. Of course your point is that what you are writing about is highly uncomfortable, but there are limits as to what will engage people before it becomes simply oppressive and unrelenting. It is not a matter of censorship, or that people are against you and are disregarding what you have been through. At the end of the day, to be publishable books must be readable and engaging and what you have to say in your current state of mind is simply too hard to take in to be that. I’m very sorry for what you’ve obviously been through and I feel the urgency of what you are trying to communicate – have you looked at support groups? (I’m sure there are writing groups out there for people who’ve been through bullying, as well). I know that you want to communicate your feelings because you want people to know what it is like, but I think you have some personal issues to work on before you can express these feelings in a less oppressive way.
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