confessions of a penis puppeteer
Tue, 2003-05-20 01:31
confessions of a penis puppeteer
Hi abctalers
I have been quiet on the site for a while as I have been focusing on getting published elsewhere. Finally, I have had some success. If penis puppetry is your thing, check out...
take the link 'interviews'
take the link 'confessions of a penis puppeteer'
Cool, just read it, very funny... I'll be practising my own... I like to call it "the newly born field mouse".
Go Anthony and your smaller but no less talented sidekick.
I am seriously impressed.
A funny piece - although it should have been longer and built to a climx. Maybe we could have the full and unexpurgated on ABC?
Go for it Anthony - you have the b*lls for it - and the skills!