The Devil's Cup - Stewart Lee Allen
Tue, 2003-06-17 16:26
The Devil's Cup - Stewart Lee Allen
Some American bloke going round the world tracing the history of coffee.
Features whirling dervishes performing ancient rituals on a Turkish basketball court and a pathetic attempt to smuggle paintings from India to France, amongst other things. Connections to coffee are more obvious than you would think.
Very funny.
Yes, I loved this one.
It's a rewrite of history with coffee as its driving force.
Before coffee England was medieval, people drank beer cause the water was crap, coffee came along and it changed us for good.
I've made it sound crap now - but it's not - it's funny and unlike usual Gonza journalism it kind of has a point.
+++ it's available from the canongate website for about 1p or £1.99
go buy