Life Of Pi

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Life Of Pi

No one has mentioned ‘Life of Pi’ in this forum. Has anyone read it?
It’s not what I expected it to be. The blurb for this Man Booker winner lead me to think it was going to be a piece of semi-fantasy, instead it was just fantastic.


Anonymous's picture
we discussed this some time back on this forum. I liked it very much. Some people found it all a bit odd and disappointing though.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
It wasn't much of a discussion but here's the link to it:
Anonymous's picture
Life of Pi is rich, endlessly inventive and for a poor gentle veggie like me, very gruesome in places. There is one description when he kills a tropical fish who changes colour in its death throes as 'beating to death a rainbow'. Beautiful.
Anonymous's picture
I knew I shouldn't have relied on the search engine to find the reference... [%sig%]
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