Anyone want to be a zombie? West London on Saturday 6th November.
For those who don't know my friends and I are making a zombie movie (mostly for the hell of it) and we need a couple of shots of lots of zombies, and so need volunteers.
There is a trailer for the movie (Working Late) on the web site
Anyone who fancies themselves as a makeup artist is especially welcome:
Proper invite follows:
Greeting's Zombie lovers! If you want to be a Zombie then, hey, we want you to be a Zombie.
We are trying to get as many people together as possible, for the filming
of the final few shots of our short film. All that is required is a group
of people to turn up at St Mary's College in Strawberry hill ( ) on Saturday the 6th of
November and get made up as zombies.
We will start make-up at about 6pm and then film about 8-9pm or as soon as we have enough people and its dark. Make up will be applied in the
upstairs of the student union (The Tartan Bar) which will give us enough space for everyone and also means we won't scare the locals.
Things to know before you decide
1) You will have to bring some old clothes that you don't mind getting
covered in white face makeup/fake blood/possibly torn up. This story is set in an office so if your outfit could look officy then that would be better but if you can't then don't worry.
2) Bring something to clean your face, we will supply as many
facewipes/soap as possible but these might run out.
3) There will be a bar open for us, so drinks will be available (remember
your zombie performance should be pitched somewhere between an OAP
and a drunk...)
4) The filming shouldn't take too long, but please be prepared the same takes several times for the sake of getting angles etc. Trust us! (A bit).
If you are unsure what is expected please visit our website ( ) go to films and then to Working late.
Or view the attached jpeg.
If you require more infomation please don't hesitate to reply to this or
contact your local representative. If possible do tell us that you are
coming so we can make sure we have the right numbers, contact us at these addresses
We hope to see you there.
Too Many Monkeys