Old ABC Member, Published Now

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Old ABC Member, Published Now

Hi, everyone,

I'm an old ABC member who's just browsing around today. I recently had a fantasy novel titled Dream of Power, Dream of Glory, published. That novel has also gotten a few nice reviews and about a month ago, it came in first place in an on-line editing poll in the category of sci-fi/fantasy book.

I'm writing this not to be egotistical, but simply to remark that there is hope to get your writing published as long as you stick with it. It took me a long time to really get something published, and the only reason I didn't quit many years ago is that writing is part of me, it's part of who and what I am. Again, keep at it--believe in yourselves and take classes or join writers groups, whatever it takes to keep improving your work and style, and it will only be a matter of time before some of the rest of you are published as well. ABC is a great place to get your feet wet, to get in the habit of sharing your work, and hopefully to get some feedback on it as well.

That's enough of a speech for now. If anyone wants to look at my work, I've posted two or three links below.

All for now, best wishes, Terry Weide


Anonymous's picture
well done & thanks for sharing your testimony...
maxwell eddison
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