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It is pancake day, it is snowing and I just saw a lollipop lady in the middle of the road with a broom sweeping away the snow. She beamed at me.

What a lovely start to the day!
Now if I could only transform my boss into a calm kind person who likes being alive.

Happy Tuesday to y'all!
Wow I sound cheesy today.
The snow is really piling up, covering the slanted windows at work.


It's not snowing here; it's bright and clear, but colder than a well-digger's arse.
HOORAY! It's very sunny here, but it is p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-pancake day so I'm happy! Let's declare today a day of joy and rampant glee on the abc threads!
British pancakes are rubbish: thin, flaccid, and flavourless. Hrmph.
yankee 'pancakes' aren't pancakes. They're rubbery squashed spongecake things


No AG - *you're* rubbish!
British pancakes are rubbish! you obviously have never eaten ones made by me. You should try tuna, sweetcorn and spring onions pancakes. Sooo nice. Hannah
God, only a Brit would eat tuna and sweetcorn together. American pancakes ARE fat, but they have better teeth.
Honest, its dead nice. Span
I'm sure it's tasty; I just can't get over the 'savoury pancake' idea, although I suppose crepes with mushroom cream sauce *are* nice. I couldn't bear to call them 'pancakes' though... For me, a pancake has to be about an inch thick, smothered with butter and real maple syrup. Preferably accompanied by some spicy sausage, a couple rashers of bacon, and an egg, fried, well-done, no runny stuff. This whole thing with lemon juice and powdered sugar is repulsive. It's just a cultural thing.
Snow, snow, everywhere! Hooray! AND it's pancake day! RESULT! British pancakes rubbish? No they ain't - they're great - lemon, sugar, and you get to roll 'em up, which you can't do with American ones. I am a fan of American pancakes too (maple syrup and the whole works), but I don't really see them as 'pancakes', more sort of spongy rounds... pancakes have to be flat (hence the saying), and flexible in a rolly kind of way. That's what makes Shrove Tuesday so much fun - the flipping. You can't flip an American pancake.
I like *all* types of pancakes - crepes? Yep, serve me up a foo of they, slathered in choc.
They have a crepe shop next to the cinema in the Castle mall now - and, I have to say, as a pre cinema treat they ain't bad.
NO! I don't like sweet pancakes. Yes, I hear you cry in chorus. You don't like sweet pancakes. No, its all about the cheese and bacon, or tuna and sweetcorn, or peppers and marmite. Yum. Span
NO! That's just grim. Get outta here. (tinned tuna is the food of Satan).
You absolutely *can* flip American pancakes. I'm quite adept at it. In fact, they're easier to flip than your limpid circles of flour... Now, span, cheese and bacon *does* sound nice...much better than tuna/sweetcorn...
hmmm, I am not sure Satan likes fish. Food of the gods. Better fresh of course, but ex student budget must accomodate. Next time I see you, I might sneak some tuna in to your food. H ehe. Span
I'll be able to tell I tells ya. Actually, I do love fresh tuna and seafood of everykind. Haddock and onion pancakes are a very tasty Italian delicacy. I don't even mind tinned tuna - just hate it mixed up with 'mayo' or 'salad cream' because that makes it taste worse. Bleurgh. Flipping American pancakes is possible, but not the same. There is no chance that it will land on your (or someone close to you's) head. I like it when pancakes 'land' otherwheres than the pan. You gotta admit, archer, that that is 'fun'...
yup, agreed. It is fun. when I was little I thought all my Christmases had come at once, mixing, wooden spoon, golden syrup, adults throwing things in the air. Hyperactivity. Brilliant. Thats my aim for the evening. I have guests coming, hope I dont scare them. Does anyone else have a ridiculous reaction to e numbers and too much sugar. Have to admit, not a fan of the American pancake. Span
This is true. When you flip a Yankcake, they tend to break open and blob out all over the place. Still, we Yanks are clearly missing out on this whole Pancake Day thing.
Ah, the excitement is rubbing off. Rubbish. Someone please give me some frying pan inspiration, a reason to be excited! Span
It would be the aftermess I'd worry about...
(put nutmeg and cloves in your pancake mix... oh you don't like it sweet do you span?) Okay - chives, leeks, tarragon and cheese. Nutmeg, black pepper a bit of parmesan in the batter. Nice. I used to make that when I was a chef and people seemed to like it.
"When I was a chef" - oh, Fergal, those words make me sad. We've got way too many people doing worthless jobs and way too many people scribbling naff poetry which no one wants to read - but giving up cheffing ... you can't have too many chefs, they're like nurses but nicer.
So my fellow pancake many did you have? I only did 2 with lemon and raspberry sauce.


I hate to say it, being a lemon and sugar kinda gal, but Span is sooooo right on the tuna and sweetcorn thing - with onion and cheese it's delectable. Had two of those AND banana and chocolate. More two-course meals made entirely of pancakes please!
I ate too many with Byrne and feel sick today. One tuna sweetcorn and spring onion, one avocado and cheese and one dark chocolate and banana. Got boozed too. too much excess now lent you say lent.... what cha giving up. I think smoking has to go, and maybe tea. sulk. Nutmeg and cloves in the batter you say fergal, or parmesan and black pepper, sounds luch. Will try. Might continue the pancake binge for the rest of the week. It goes so well with snow. Glad you got some snow Rokkit. Fergal, you were a chef! I agree there are nto enough good chefs. do it more! Lemon and raspberry sauce sounds lovely. Bitter and sweet. will also try. ah pancake love. Span
Just read this - Neil, I say 'when I was a chef', but I suppose what that meant was 'when I was *paid* to be a chef'... now I just cook all the time for fun, and that's even better.
I was a proper chef in a 4-star hotel in Seattle, once upon a time many years ago, tall white hat and everything. I wouldn't necessarily agree that chefs are nicer than nurses; not the ones I worked with! Stressed-out, heavy-drinking, chain-smoking, bad-tempered, arrogant...that's why I got out, that and the long hours and the obsession with 'presentation'. It got to the point where I'd rather slop a ladle of porridge into a bowl than sautee the shaved fennel to accompany the homemade lamb-and-rosemary sausage topped with blueberry coulis arranged artfully on a plate... Hope you guys enjoyed your limpid 'pancakes'! My son stuffed himself at the school pancake toss... now he's bugging me to make them. I suppose I'll have to capitulate... And where did this goshawful arctic weather come from? Cambridge got about two snowflakes, it's still sunny, but soooo cold.
You live in Cambridge Archergirl. I am from that fine place, and I love it. Ma famille are jealous because of all the snow we get in Norwich. Its gone now though. Bah. Span
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