Lummy good, tum-tum and garbles - Spack
Je pense this is one of the best poems I've read on abc for a sizeable wedge of time - or one of my favourites, at least. Love the tongue-twisterly cockscrew flume of names and words - absolutely beautiful. The poem seems to take real joy in its use of language, and that, for me, is the number one quality a poem can possess.
Weak lines? Perhaps this couplet:
Foil tins in the garbage. Rib-less Prince
on a gargantuam bank note. Caution and Reneeze.
Felt 'garbage' was a little out of register. Didn't like 'caution and reneeze'. Felt the metre fell away a little here.
But the rest is sublime. I'd pick out individual lines, but frankly, they're all doubleplusgood.
Kudos, spackeroonie!