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For my money, Banksy is the most relevant and innovative visual artist of the present day. Nearly everything he does is immediately, accessibly funny, clever, inspiring and challenging, and I don't say that about many things.

Anyone know what I'm talking about? Anyone agree?

I know who you are talking about. I first came across Banksy on ebay. That makes me terribly sad I expect. I like the work. I'd love a jack and jill print. I googled the name, check out the site. It's a little slow, but well worth a visit. Thanks for the heads-up. Lisa
Yeah I'm on for that, I think his work is sharp and funny, nearly always hits the spot. He also reminds me of a time when there was some fantastic, witty and plain insane graffitti around, more than just the dull tagging and post hip-hop smudges you get nowadays. I'm sounding like a grumpy old man now so i'll shut up...
He is brilliant. One of the only things I have in common with my wee trndy brother is a shared love of Banksy. Span
he's great, a load of his stuff got destroyed on monday night when the met 'reduced' Brian Haw's protest to the regulation three meters


He was one of the best, until that brick-bat came through the windscreen.


Banksy is ace. I like the one of the prisoners in the concentration camp wearing lipstick. Unless you lived in Bristol and saw his work all over the place you used to only be able to get little palm-sized books of his Banksy's work - existencillism was one of them, it's amazing - but now you can buy a big hard back art book that is on front of display at Borders. That spoils some of the romance, for me. Joe
Is there a big hoo-haw about him at the moment? I had thought vandalism was ok nowadays, especially if Bono says so? Best bit of vandalism I've ever seen on the web was the "I'm not getting jiggy, I've got Parkinson's" dancing man. Horrid, but funny.
There's no hoo-haw as in, "Ooh isn't graffiti bad"; there's plenty of hoo-haw about him being talented. This is one the most poignant, disturbing and thought provoking images I've ever seen.

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

I too disapproved of the slickly produced chainstore book at first, but my friends caught me looking through it so many times that they bought it for my birthday, and now I'm glad I've got it. So much of it is pure fun: the ongoing joke with the rats taking over, the traffic cones sinking into the tarmac. But then you get instances of the kind of image yan links to above. And I love the fact that all he's got for a biography is: "You either love me, or hate me, or you don't really care." It's been a long time since any artist/writer/performer has admitted that.
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