Junk City Tales: Evie Gardener pt1 - Polidori

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Junk City Tales: Evie Gardener pt1 - Polidori


A truly excellent and accomplished piece. I particularly loved the paragraph that follows the discovery of the vibrator:

"It had crept past the snap dragon guard and the barbed wire thorns of the climbing rose. Sex burglar. Clambering over flower beds; slender stems sway with the breeze; delicate petals pretend to blush bright pink or red, fake purity of bridal schemes; heavy with the scent of flower sex infused with perfumed nectar. Riffling into drawers looking to steal innocence. Purple irises; butterfly blue come morning glory. Post menstrual dawn: sex had entered. Evie's Barbie days were truly numbered."

The clipped sentences work beautifully. The language is full but never hard to follow. It feels so well honed.

I notice there's more where this came from; I look forward to reading them.


Thanks Ben for your kind words. Big encouragement. P.
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