Too Much Information by captainmcdan

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Too Much Information by captainmcdan

An interesting read that is very thought provoking...

Yes interesting stuff. It brings up one issue that always bugged me at the time, though. So many commentators seemed to be implying that the tanks at Heathrow were a ploy to up the scare level as in - 'See, we need to tackle Saddam now because the terrorists could strike any minute...' - when I'm sure many of us were thinking the opposite i.e. 'See, this is what we're saying, you're aligning us with the US's foreign policy which is making us an immediate target for terrorists, you great egotistical buffoon, you.' The present alert strikes me the same.
I don't believe in conspiracies either - 'they' just want us to think there is a conspiracy to confuse us! Seriously though, there are some good points here. Thanks for the topic. And it is very very healthy to consider them. Wouldn't it be great to hear more on TV. I don't mean on obscure 'grown-up' TV but slipped in during Emmer-fuckin-dale or Holiday disasters (too much head-in-sand TV - and then people complain when they're confused!). But would the fare citizens be any less fearful if they were better informed? Yes, if there was actual evidence. If there WAS a bomb plot there would be physical evidence - and you can bet you bottom dollar (like capture IRA caches) they would be splattered about the TV like mummy showing everybody little Daisy's first finger painting. Maybe in the next few days we will see??? Show us the threat - don't tell us. But should we sit having tea while the Barabrians are at the gate (Like in Carry on up the Khyber)(I know they weren't Barabrians at the gate there) And trust in our illustrious leaders? Or should we act and run around like headless chickens or better yet spy on our neighbour... just like the good old days in good queen Bess' reign. Very fitting as we are being 'threatended' by a medieval doctrine (who'd be a woman in the state of allah as decreed by the terrorists? or gay, or free thinking writer, or....) But I digress. After the world war part 2 we were brought together by the promise of prosperity - it got politicians elected and made the humble housewife happy. We were all working, living and thriving together - one cause, one country, one future - god love 'em. Now FEAR is the new prosperity. With the same results and impact - except the damn immigrants are steeling our country so we don't even have that to fall back on - aaagh! More fear! Fuck me... don't people make you want to chew your teeth out! Fear sells thats it. If people want to buy it - fuck 'em Fear controls. If people want to be controlled, chances are they need controlling. But consider this before you think I am an uncaring beast: there are 90 million people on this sceptred isle (or sceptical depending on your view point) - we can't all be taken in... can we?? Beside what else are we going to do with this free time all the mod cons give us?? THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT FOLKS! skinsen
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