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This is a blatant plug to get people to watch Too Many Monkeys' epic 28 minute zombie movie 'Working Late', which is now online in three parts and features blood, swearing, and lots of zombies, and was written by yours truly.

Go, watch, leave comments on youtube telling us we suck.


It was alright. I was expecting alot worse..lol. I've seen a lot worse on tv...not to mention dvd. Admittedly I didn't watch it all because I was scaaared. No, I liked the realism. Adds to the fear factor - kinda blair witchy realism. Your actors are great, the music's good. Production was awesome, except for that bit during the opening credits where there's two shots of the door. That was a bit amateurish...but overall..cool. That Yorkshire farmer - I take it that was supposed to be funny? :) There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

I checked it out last week (?) and thought it was great. My hubbie and I both work from home on a Friday, so we sat on the sofa and watched all three back-to-back. Had me squirming in my seat. A+ from me!
The yorkshire farmer was supposed to be from Somerset, which is the sort of thing that happens when you don't turn up to the filming of your own script. The door is shot first external and then internal, obviously that didn't work so well - we struggled with the opening, it was done a bit last minute. keep your grubby mits off my website http://www.too-many-monkeys.com


A good sign, I might add, is that I'm tempted to watch it again! :) If not fot the finger biting then definately for the hob-nob scene. There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed - Dennett

There's nothing more mind-teasing than the incomprehensible eagerly avowed -

Good going, Dan. Chilling and convincing. Good denouement too. I do think there was too much use of the same piano sequence and too many fade out/ins. Also, the chap talking over the radio was a bit weak. Strikes me as a better idea to just have a close up of his face as it dawns on him what's happening, rather than him interjecting with, "What? This must be a joke." Also, I do think he spent too long running back and forth indecisively. Seems like something that *could* convey the "Holy crap! I'm fucked!" factor if it was done a little more intensely. As it is, I just wanted him to do something important. ~ I'll Show You Tyrants * Fuselit * The Prowl Log * Woe's Woe
Cheers Jack, good points. You have no idea how much wandering around corridors was cut. keep your grubby mits off my website http://www.too-many-monkeys.com


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