Call for submissions - Pumpkin 1

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Call for submissions - Pumpkin 1

Pumpkin aims to establish itself as a showcase for the best new writing on the web, while providing valuable support and resources to writers, new and established. Pumpkin will be published quarterly, with each issue featuring five exceptional pieces of new writing.

Submissions are now being accepted for issue 1 of Pumpkin, due to be published in December 2008.

For more info, please visit, or see Submission Guidelines, below.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Submission Guidelines

Pumpkin welcomes submissions of fiction (short stories, novel excerpts) or poetry, from writers of all ages and backgrounds. All submissions must be in Word (.doc) or plain text (.txt) format, and accompanied by a brief author bio (150 words max). Submissions must be the author's own, unpublished work. Selected pieces will be published on pumpkin, and the authors will be notified by email. Authors whose work is not selected for inclusion will not be notified. Only one submission per author per issue, please.

Email submissions, or questions, to