Ralph Dartford at Puzzle Poets

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Ralph Dartford at Puzzle Poets

For one night only. A rare performance by Mr Ralph Dartford who will be the special guest at Puzzle Hall Poets in Sowerby Bridge.

He'll do the old guest poet thing and then later in the evening there'll be an open mic slot for anyone else that would like to share their work.

Ralph Dartford has been writing poems and stories ever since he can remember. He has been widely published in such low-brow publications as Pulp Faction, Territories Magazine, Stirring, and the Guardian online. Ralph likes poems with strong narratives and even the occasional rhyme.

Originally hailing from the badlands of Essex, Ralph moved to glorious Yorkshire last year and is residing in the bohemian epicentre of the county. Ossett.

Ralph is currently writing his first novel. The Radio Rooms.

Date: Monday, 05 October 2009
Time: 20:00 - 22:30
Location: Puzzle Hall Inn
Town/City: Sowerby Bridge, United Kingdom

Phone: 07910325770