I am mistified: in 'my content' some items are marked as 'not read yet' but the pieces have had comments and some have even been cherrypicked. Could someone explain, please?
It is likely that you have edited or modified those particular pieces Luigi and they have been shunted back onto the unread list so that they will once again come to the editors' attention. At least I think that explains it.
It's also possible that when the data transfer took place at the culmination of the site's re-build anomalies such as this were created. Bear in mind I'm probably the least tech-savie person so could be talking out of the top of my hat. I'm confident that in due course things will all eventually be sorted out. I hope so at least.
I am beginning to see some light, Luke. I have a collection titled 'Cherry Ripe' where I transfer pieces when they are cherry picked. This action triggers the status to return to 'not read yet'. It could be part of the explanation.
It is likely that you have edited or modified those particular pieces Luigi and they have been shunted back onto the unread list so that they will once again come to the editors' attention. At least I think that explains it.
Thanks Peter, it is possible but certain pieces go back to March of this year and before. I wasn't worried, just curious.
It's also possible that when the data transfer took place at the culmination of the site's re-build anomalies such as this were created. Bear in mind I'm probably the least tech-savie person so could be talking out of the top of my hat. I'm confident that in due course things will all eventually be sorted out. I hope so at least.
Hey Luigi - Peter's right - there must have been some kind of glitch, unless you've been doing a lot of editing! We'll investigate!
Don't worry on my account Luke, it isn't vital but thanks for taking the trouble.
I am beginning to see some light, Luke. I have a collection titled 'Cherry Ripe' where I transfer pieces when they are cherry picked. This action triggers the status to return to 'not read yet'. It could be part of the explanation.
That must be it - Luigi! I'll try and have the automatic unread on collection transfers turned off.