Wed, 2001-04-25 03:28
Dear all
I would like to know what other people think of the stories I've written. Could someone please tell me how to get this info.
Dear Carly, Check out War Stories or Burning Spear. Thanks for replying.
All the best
Well, it sure was different! It was complicated, I must say - it's something I'd have to read a couple of times. I did send you an e mail on this.
I kept getting the impression that it was all set in some future - but Hitler was still there.
I haven't read the other one yet.
You are clearly a talented writer, Den, as the language in Burning Spear shows. Unfortunately stories with such a high degree of violence are not to my taste, I found War Stories particularly unpleasant (and difficult to read due to the absence of paragraphing - was this intentional? If so, the desired effect was wasted on me). I will try to find time to read the others on your list in the hope of finding them more to my taste.
Give me a title - I'll go and rate you and tell you what I think.
Carly :-)