Flava-Rite Quotes 2
Wed, 2001-08-01 13:20
Flava-Rite Quotes 2
Dedicated to the forum guru's M&M. You know who you are!
Said Fred to Freda
"If this fish aint fed then I'm gonna feed her"
Freda said to Fred
"If you feed my fish then I'll fry your head"
"OK!" said Fred and proceedingly freed her.
Freda said "fine, now what's for dinner?"
For the 1000th post in this Elswhere Haven:
In the time it takes to boil an egg-
4mins soft or longer for hard-
we rite a few words, butter the host;
bounce the baby in our decked backyard.
Then we hear the mother of all quotes:
"time gentleman, please it's time!"