why love poems don't work ...

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John L
Anonymous's picture
Like I said before I don't reckon that 'hot and sticky, holding hands, heart-in-the-mouth' stuff is love at all, which is not to say I've never experienced it or don't appreciate it, even though it hurts like hell. I guess the farthest I would go is to say it's A Kind of Loving. Which if I'm not much mistaken was the title of a 1950's (60's ?) book by Stan Barstow. I seem to remember from my schooldays long, long ago when we were arrivng at definitions we had to list the components of what something was or was not. So, for example, in my humble (?) opinion love is Unconditional - i.e. once given, it cannot by taken back But definitely is not; Finite - i.e you can't empty it like a bottle of Guinness. In fact, without wishing to sound too cheesey, if love came in a bottle it would be a magic bottle whereby the more you used up the fuller the bottle got. Sorry, that sounds real sentimental but I happen to believe it's true.
Smitten Kitten
Anonymous's picture
LOVE POEMS??? Yes, I love poems.
Shameless Heaney
Anonymous's picture
Er, Fey, (many posts back) it was 'Death of a Naturalist.' There's a wee difference.


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