Lawrence (of Arabia)
Wed, 2001-08-08 18:22
Lawrence (of Arabia)
I've just finished a Lawrence biography, Backing Into The Limelight and I am still fascinated with the man. He was a puzzle; a man of vast contradictions who was both insanely brave but often boastful, sarcastic and a complete fantasist. Anybody got any more recommendations for acquiring information about him? Apparently more letters etc were due to be released in 2000.
Has anyone read 'The Seven Pillars of Wisdom'?
(ps I've been a Lawrence groupie for a long time, I think I might be incurable).
He was a total wanker (official).
Well pointless pillock of wisdom....thanks v.much for your considered comments...were they autobiographical ?
How clever of you to point out that fact, pillock. Lawrence was in fact almost expelled from one school for that very activity. Obviously there's an intellect buried deep, deep within your psyche.
Any more observations? I have a notebook hovering excitedly.
Pointless pillock....Martin you're a poet. I do like how that strings together.
Correct - I was alluding to Lawrence's fascination with his own pillar.
Professor Pointless Pillock of Porlock.
Oooh, wot a luvverly bit of allit, POW!
I loved Seven Pillars of Wisdom - read it at least 4 times. Dashing character, intriguing male, unfathomable being...
But then I was a severely deprived child. Sad really, but highly educational.
Peter O'Toole wasn't bad either...
I researched Lawrence for a potential Channel 4 'Secret Lives' doc a few years ago. I met a few interesting characters still around who met him - or at least whipped him - and I have a heap of reading around him. I'll check out the names of the books I went to and put them up in a few days time.
The film never got made! Ho Hum.
I'd be very interested Tony. It's a shame that the film didn't get made...he's fascinating subject matter.