Cats or Dogs?

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Cats or Dogs?

Right, thought I'd start a controversial thread on the topic of cats or dogs. Which do you prefer and why?

Emily likes cats because 'they are independent and don't follow you around constantly'. Tony prefers cats too 'because you don't have to walk the f**k*rs every day' and Jane likes the idea of dogs but doesn't have the room so opts for cats.

Hmmm, anyone else out there going help me stand up for dogs!???

Anonymous's picture
cat slobber smells vile ...
Anonymous's picture
Animals.....oh and keeping pets is okay now is it? So these creatures are now only around for your own amusement! Actually i beleive that cats and dogs are both higher species and have evolved to a level where they needn't work or fight because they can get the dumb humans to wait on them hand and foot. As for which i prefer well possibly cats because at least you are aware of the fact they are only nice when they want something. Dogs are clearly trying harder to confuse us by being very affectionate, strange things both of them. As the pet of both cats and dogs at some point i would say that i prefer neither and frankly i'm tired of being a slave!!!!
Anonymous's picture
true true about the silly names... I too got overruled on a nice historical one (Chairman Meow) and we opted for curries (Penang and Karahi). But I must say that it's not only dogs that follow you to the loo...(one of my cats tried to sit on my lap a few times...most disconcerting)...or eat leftovers (my old cat that lives at my Mum's in Australia eats, amongst other things, pasta, courgette, mashed pumpkin, shiitake muchrooms, tofu, chickpeas and spring onions - I kid you not!) And contrary to an oft popular belief, cats do have personalities, and aren't always totally aloof...and they can talk to you without making a whole heap of noise. oh...and dogs are cool too :) E
Anonymous's picture
DOGGIES! DOGGIES! DOGGIES! My fat black lab sits by my side constantly. True she rolls in sh*te and her breath reeks worse than my boyfriends does in the morning, but I'd never want no stuck up ignorant puddy tat in replacement. Kitty kats got no personality! sarah :-)
Anonymous's picture
Anonymous's picture
Definitely dogs. More personality and less arrogance.
Anonymous's picture
a cross between a dog and a cat.... a dot or a cag.... some bizarre mutation....
Anonymous's picture
I have a stuck up bitch of a cat who only comes when shes good and ready for a cuddle, is not averse to suddenly undergoing a massive personality change and viciously ripping half my hand off, mid purr and mid stroke, hides flattened against stairs so as to frighten seven shades of S*"T out of the kids at 7.30 in the morning,and beats my kindly old mum up by hiding behind shirts in the wardrobe and tasmanian devillishly spinning out spitting and snarling as mum tries to put the washing away. I also have a dog, the Boxer With Very Little Brain. He loves me to bits, sits by my chair, runs like a goon on the beach smiling (yes really) eats all the leftovers (and anything else that isnt nailed down, such as every single telly tubby at the time they were as rare as hens teeth and were Xmas pressies for the next day) and even follows me to the loo, snuffling and sniffing under the door when I am inside. ( Unwise - told you he had very little brain) I love them both, her for her arrogance and spirit, and him for his unconditional adoration of a very flawed owner.
Tony Cook
Anonymous's picture
Apart from not having to walk them, cats are great because you can give them silly names and they don't care. In my time I've had Hot Licks, Gribble and Flow but right now I've just got Fidel Catstro and Stevie Wonder (who should have been called Miaow Tse Tung but my kids overruled me) - dogs would get stroppy if you called them such things. Cats don't care because they have their own names as TS Eliot told us and the dreadful Andrew Lloyd Webber tries to remind us. I also like the way that my cats walk all over my keyboard - they type such wonderful nonsense. acrw ty iojpi noiti8998 0q4aouukl7j 9g 80n7v23gfse
Anonymous's picture
Dogs without a doubt. Mind you, I'm talking about proper dogs here (the larger and hairier the better), not them silly little ankle-biter things that yap and are often no bigger than your average rat (which is what they usually resemble). I actually do have a cat, here on sufferance because, without it, I'd be overrun by mice. Not that I mind mice, per se, but they tend to chew through cables and electrocute sprogs. It's the most bloody unfriendly thing on the face of the planet (the only person it likes is, actually, said sprog) and is currently in danger of becoming redundant as the mice have reappeared and the bloody (sorry to repeat myself) feline is too busy crapping in the garden (or whatever it's doing out there) to kill the buggers. Gimme a large hound any time. Have to wait 'til I've got my remote cottage, though - flat's too small to accomodate small ponies...
Anonymous's picture
DOGS! I love my black labrador (with the original name "Barney"...) He is like a big soft bear and he keeps my feet warm. He can also be aggressive when he wants though, like when someone rings the doorbell. For some reason this sends him into a frenzy? I don't mind cats, but I couldn't eat a whole one!
Martin T
Anonymous's picture
Definitely Dogs, when I was a kid we had dogs, first a collie/labrador cross or was a little snappy, he disappeared one day and mum told us he'd "gone to live on a farm" I'm sure he's still there happily playing in fields....I mean mum wouldn't have put him down would she ? Then there was an Irish Red Setter who was the main dog when I was a kid, she was great for getting out of the house to avoid Dad. Then the King Charles Spaniel called Charlie (gawd knows why !!) who was plain stupid but loveable. We never had only experience was at a friends house where their cat always attacked me. I find dogs loyal trustworthy and great to play with, I just can't trust cats...I look at them and think their planning something...something that will result in my death or severe maiming... Don't trust them...they are after you.
Anonymous's picture
just returned from petshop with littlefishbone (9 tomorrow) and her new pet rats ... after much discussion vis a vis their names she has called one Lyra (after the heroine of Northern Lights) and the other Gloria ... her brother's suggestion (i wonder about that boy) ... and the girls are happily exploring their new swanky des. res. which is all ladders and levels and tubes and whatnot ... we also have a dog (milo) ... and i grew up with both dogs and cats ... i like dogs as they are always happy to see you ... cats are sniffy and tend to get themselves squashed on the roads ... milo is agoraphobic after a Nasty Near Bonfire Night Incident ... he is also very stupid ... but he always perks up when you call his name or say anything to him ... in this he beats most of the humans in this house ... (and most of my ex's)
Anonymous's picture
I have two cats but I can also appreciate the soft, eager loyalty in dogs. I agree with the silly name option for cats; mine are called Moriarty and Betty Blue. It can be trickier for dogs, especially after hearing one of my friends looking for her dog Fanny on the beach one summer. 'Has anyone seen my Fanny?' was not the most wisely thought out phrase in the world. Cats: mercurial, enigmatic, etheral and transient. Owning a cat is a little like trying to grasp water with your bare hand; it's a sensual feeling but it trickles away. However, my cats are very loving and there is something that holds my eyes to theirs. Are people who own lots of cats drawn to them because they are mad or do the animals send them that way? I can understand the lack of trust...a cat definitely has its' own agenda. I like large, muscular dogs and eccentric Cocker Spaniels too. A cat is a better companion for writing stints; it sits on the bed blinking those amber orbs and doesn't ask to go for a poo or a walk.......
Anonymous's picture
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the LittleFish on the morrow!
Anonymous's picture
P'robly be raining cats and dogs, though. At least that's what that nice Michael Fish bloke (any relation?) said...
Anonymous's picture
I definitely like dogs better. Greater companionship given than from a kitty. I loved the sheltie I used to have. Not a big, hairy beast but lovable just the same.
Anonymous's picture
Hey Liana, Is your cat called Jacklian?? Your cat sounds like you and I have been on occassion!! You know what I mean. Purring one minute, spitting and scratching the next. Sounds like my kind of animal. Although must admit, I'm a doggy person. Perhaps I can't take the competition??? AJ :>) Miouew. (not at all catty).
Anonymous's picture
Dogs. They're more affectionate and you can play games with them. I inherited a very small dog that sits comfortably on my knees. My mother had a labrador that weighed almost as much as me and was always trying to get on my lap...
Anonymous's picture
I love labradors though, or springer spaniels. We had an old english sheepdog once. But i won't tell you about that...
Anonymous's picture
Blimey. *intrigued & agog!!*
Dave Randall
Anonymous's picture
cats are the dogs bollocks.......... they are not pack animals and give affection on their terms, they choose to either stay with you or not dogs on the other hand will accept the most flawed of owners as being the dogs bollocks........
Anonymous's picture
Bonzo Dogs Nashville Cats in that order.
Anonymous's picture
Cats, without a doubt. Only got two at the moment, a soppy hairy female and an eccentric, pugnacious tom. Cats need patience, persuason, and still they're never quite domesticated. Always keep you guessing. What it comes down to, I suppose, is - you own a dog, but you can never really own a cat. I like sharing with such unpredictable free spirits. PS I love dogs too, while not owning one.. particularly Labradors. Mind you, in my experience, cats don't shag your leg. Just soft woolly cushions.. or is mine a pervert?
Anonymous's picture
You know that web-type-thing in between your thumb and finger? (I forget what its called...answers on a pstcard to...) Well, a cat once bit me in that place and it sodding well hurt I can tell you! (Flea-ridden mog!) I was about 6 at the time, and I now have a slight fear of cats from that harrowing experience. They always manage to hurt you in some way whenever you fuss them. I do like that suckling-clawing-thing cats do though. Neat!
Anonymous's picture
Dogs!!! cats are evil and they defecate in your garden when they belong to OTHER people. GRRR! My dog is beautiful and has a coool personality and she does smell but cats just don't love anyone and they think they're better than humans when they're blatantly not, hmph!
Anonymous's picture
My cat's a pain in the arse (or very clever, depending on your point of view). Every morning at 7.30 am sharp, it pads along the sprog's shelf (conveniently situated above his bed) and swipes everything off onto S's head with sweaty paw, in order to wake him up for brekkie. Failing that, it pukes (loudly) in front of bog door so that, if demands are not met, you...well...step in it. Good job we've got the the goldfish (not related to our esteemed friend) screwed down... Gimme a hound (with a sound constitution) anyday.
Anonymous's picture
I am reminded of the old R. Crumb cartoon Fat Freddy's Cat. Every day when Fat Freddy came home from work, he would find cat s**t in his apartment and punish the cat. The cat would leave his deposit in a different place each day. So Fat Freddy comes home from work after several days of this, looks absolutely everywhere in the apartment, finds nothing, smiles and pets the cat saying, "good kitty." The cat purrs and thinks to himself: Ah, just wait until he puts on the headphones. hehehe. I like cats. Dogs slobber too much.
Anonymous's picture
What astounding anthropomorphism! ps. My mog slobbers disgustingly. Revolting creature.
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