Post Graduate Literature Programs in Paris or London

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Post Graduate Literature Programs in Paris or London

I've begun looking into universities offering graduate programs/doctoral studies in modern English language literature (broad topic I know).

Does anyone have direct knowledge of a top notch faculty for this sort of thing in either Paris or London? I've found some information on the web about Birkbeck in London and the Sorbonne in Paris. My first choice would be Paris as a location, and I've already made an initial contact at the Sorbonne, but it would be helpful if someone has direct knowledge of their program.

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous's picture
don't know anything about the Sorbonne's literature course per se, but do know that the Sorbonne is divided up into componenent parts along the lines of Paris Un, Paris Deux, Paris Trois etc, and that Paris Un is the best one of these. With regard to studying in London, I would pick University College, London, or Kings College, London over Birkbeck.
toulouse Lautrec
Anonymous's picture
*yawn* :o(
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