Yazmina Reza

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Yazmina Reza

This French woman is the author is several quite successful plays. At least they have been successful in English in the US. Her first big hit was called "Art" but the current one is "Life X 3" or life in three versions.

In my little acting class we are playing around with scenes from Life X 3, and it is hilarious.

Our instructor, who is British, wants to put on a production of it in English in Warsaw later this year. No, not with the students from his class!!! but with real actors. There is currently a production in Polish translation in Warsaw. I'm not sure I will go because two people in the class went and got a very different impression of the play from the production than what we get from reading it and acting it. Interesting in itself, I suppose.

Anyone familiar with this author's works?

Anonymous's picture
Saw Art in the West End. Really enjoyed it - it's nicely middlebrow with just enough to say to keep it interesting but with a nice dollop of humour in there as well. I think Life x 3 had a run but I can't remember it getting good reviews. She's also written a collection of short stories which I've picked up a couple of times but doesn't seem to be as good as Art.
Anonymous's picture
I saw Art a couple of years ago starring Jack Dee and a couple of others who I didn't know. It was good and there are a couple of really pacey and witty monologues but I went with a guy who had never been to the theatre before and he just sat there with his mouth open. He loved it. I bought her book Desolation for my sister's birthday and would like to get my hands on it.
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