McSweeneys & Michael Moorcock
I'm in the midst of reading the 10th edition of McSweeneys (the Mammoth Treasury of Thrilling tales, as it is better known) and it's chockfull of great short stories (Neil Gaiman, Nick Hornby, Dave Eggers, Rick Moody, Michael Chabon - lots of big names) . . .
Anyway. The point of this ramble. I finished reading the Eggers' story last night (which was pretty good) and arrived at a 50+ page short story by Michael Moorcock. Now. The only thing I know about Michael Moorcock is that he's been churning out stuff for generations. My only previous awareness of him came from a terrific Half Man Half Biscuit tune "Dickie Davies Eyes" (with the lyric "Moorcock, Moorcock, Michael Moorcock, you fervently moan . . .")
For whatever reason I started in fearing the worst and - it is an absolute blast . . . The Case of the Nazi Canary it's called. Worth the cost of purchase alone . . .
My eyes have been well and truly opened . . .