Jim Morrison/ Nico

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Jim Morrison/ Nico

Since we are on a 60's curve, suppose we imagined that Jim Morrison and Nico get married and were living in Paris right now. I think that the poetry of Jim Morrison would closely parallel the poetry of T.S. Eliot:

I: Jimbo

Where are you? What are you on?

God is the logical extension of the consciousness which is ego-centered?

What does that have to do with drugs? I've done so many of them that I am marble. marble like the statues of ancient Rome, singing home to the stars, peeling their empty stomachs. Damn, I got the munchies, but I'm not...

People are strange and they suck.

People are stuck? Where?

Up your alley, baby.

II. Nico

Let's get smashed up in the sky
mr moe joe risin, and let us go up high
where we can see the bastards buggin.

oh oh oh that feminine stink, it's
so irregular, where's my dessert. The French,
they only like me when I am fat,
I like being fat,
I am a clown and fat, and let's throw out the cakes.

III. Jim meets Wayne

You are god, we are not worthy.

Who the **** are you *****?

What is your message, great one?

I got lost out in the dessert, looking for the Indians who were
killed just because he was dating a white girl, almost a whole tribe
of them and I thought,
where have all the eagles gone,
with a bellyful of laughter.

Great message, but what are we, we, your worshippers to do?

Enjoy your friends, don't trust your enemies... the Native Americans
told me that pain was my friend, my best friend, they are so full
of **** with their stone faces, so elegantly lined and
blissful. I wonder what they are on? Peyote?

IV: Lost

Where is the rock, the rock?


It's cheaper than pot.

Do you know that you are a lazy, self-aggrandizing piece of ...

Tell me something I don't know.


DO you have a NICO bag?

I could outGUCCI you anytime anytime.

Why must I speak to mere mortal whose senses five have not oped to the sereneal view of eternity?

V: The Thunder

Crack Crack Crack sucks.

What is that voice.

Crack crack really sucks. You should go straight edge.

Drugs are bad. Doing drugs is bad. You're bad so you do drugs. If you're bad and even if you don't do drugs, you still do drugs. Shoot first and ask questions later.

Was Lucy in The Sky with DIAMONDS really about LSD?

Jimmy, you are so superficial. Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds was about fruit who eat each other and have marshmellow pies and such. Strawberry Fields was about Strawberry Shortcake and her farming on the fields of Elysium.

Dayadvahara hmmmmmm Hmmmmmmm hathagatabagota hobeyobeyelliillin.

*the silence that presses all pants*