Sir Hugely Havering

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Sir Hugely Havering

I'm reading 'The Ascent of Rum Doodle' at the moment. Sort of mounteneering version of Three men and a Boat. While it's not quite the funniest book I've ever read - so far - it has some fabulous character names in. Like the team leader, Sir Hugely Havering, the medical officer Prone - who's always sick.

I was wondering, what are your favourite book character names, and why? Or what character names have really grated on you and why?

(Miss out the ones that are just unpronouncable so get skimmed each page)

One that pisses me off is in the Jean M Aul series where the cave folk have to introduce themselves as who they are the son or daughter of and what his neighbour's name was. The book would be half as thick if if wasn't for all those endless introductions. I've stopped reading vol5 coz it's getting on my nerves so much.

Anonymous's picture
Has to be Peake's Titus Groan trilogy... such ace names. Titus Groan himself, Swelter and Flay, Nannie Slag.. the Prunesquallers.. and Steerpike I always find a deeply satisfying name.. good name for a dog. The grey stone scrubbers... mmmm lovely. Oh, and lets not forget Blyton's Mssrs Twiddle and Pinkwhistle...Moonface and Dame Slap are good ones too.
andrew pack
Anonymous's picture
Oh yes, Dame Slap's impossible questions, along the lines of "If a dog loses its temper and a cook puts five blackberries in a pie, what is left?" I don't tend to like the Dickensian practice of naming people to reflect character, it seems a bit too obvious. Character names I particularly like - Wodehouse always does them well - Madeleine Basset the soppy girl (especially when Bertie calls her "The Basset"), Catsmeat Potter-Pirbright. Heller's Yossarian is a splendid name, I think - it firstly gives you the impression of someone slightly Slavic and also someone who is self-contained and does what he wants. My absolute favourite character name is Alan Moore's Rorschach, a grade-A lunatic vigilante but someone who you can't help psychoanalysing when you read, a character who can be different things every time you read.
Anonymous's picture
must read the Titus Groan trilogy and some Woodhouse, so many books, so little time...
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