sorting out billy
Wed, 2005-01-26 10:41
sorting out billy
Jo Brand's first book I believe... the only excuse i have for buying it, is that i was at the airport and i had a flight delay to fill with things other than duty free shopping... this looked like an easy, swiftish read.
Words cannot explain how BAD this is. It is full of obvious, unfunny jokes, unfeasible plot lines, it clunks and chunks from page to page.
Don't buy it, if you see it on a bench somewhere or in an airport departures lounge, don't even be tempted to pick it up for free.
The thing that really infuriates me about it is that it was ever published at all. Isn't it unfair when there are SO many great writers around, that this gets front of shop space?
Well I wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire, unless of course I could piss petrol.