curriculum vitae
Wed, 2005-12-14 16:23
curriculum vitae
Good! add some more, it's a bit too short. would make a great song!
Connie, a humorous read, and oh so true!
not bad. not bad at all.
Ah Mr B, it is actually about someone in particular who came to my attention when she applied for a job in a library, previous to her application she never went near the place and in fact had been known to frequent other libraries and had on many occasions been heard to slag off the one in question and it's patrons.
On hearing about the job vacancy however, she suddenly could be found in the library from 9-5 every weekday shmoozing the locals and the staff and popping her head around every corner as people tried to browse...of course it can also be taken as a tirade against arse kissers in general, just apply your own job in place of the library.